WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.300 --> 00:00:07.380 Lenore: Okay. So my topic for this evening is called to see or not to see 2 00:00:07.770 --> 00:00:09.879 Lenore: engaging without overwhelm. 3 00:00:15.580 --> 00:00:24.300 Lenore: as has been mentioned a few times already, and certainly in personal conversations that I've had with people 4 00:00:25.070 --> 00:00:27.589 Lenore: engaging can be overwhelming. 5 00:00:28.930 --> 00:00:31.260 Lenore: You know. Compassion, fatigue is a thing 6 00:00:32.759 --> 00:00:39.690 Lenore: I told you last night about my my adventure with volunteering for the Sophie Scomps 7 00:00:40.040 --> 00:00:47.719 Lenore: political campaign, and how I ended up doing the thing I never thought I'd do the door knocking so. 8 00:00:48.320 --> 00:00:49.340 Lenore: and 9 00:00:49.530 --> 00:01:07.390 Lenore: it actually turned out to be quite good fun. I really quite enjoyed it. My vision of it. And why I was scared of it was people slamming doors in your face and being rude to you, and you know, telling you where to go, and none of that happened. It was mostly really enjoyable. 10 00:01:07.640 --> 00:01:15.980 Lenore: though. There's one door knock that stands out in my memory. 11 00:01:16.130 --> 00:01:17.350 Lenore: And 12 00:01:17.980 --> 00:01:25.030 Lenore: so I knocked on the door, and there was, I heard, a bit of sort of shuffling and murmuring 13 00:01:25.710 --> 00:01:30.500 Lenore: behind the door. and then an old man opened the door. He would have been 14 00:01:30.720 --> 00:01:38.029 Lenore: I shouldn't shouldn't say that, should I given the average age of people in here, but he was probably 15 00:01:38.060 --> 00:01:41.640 Lenore: What would he have been? At least mid 70 s. 16 00:01:43.390 --> 00:01:56.079 Lenore: I've just gotten in trouble for all those people online for calling mid-seventies all anyway. There there was. So he he answered the door. 17 00:01:56.100 --> 00:02:05.330 Lenore: and I could see down the passageway behind him, and there was a woman standing down the end of passageway, which I only assume is his wife. 18 00:02:05.960 --> 00:02:14.620 Lenore: And so it's all you know. Hi! My name is Lenori. I'm volunteering for 19 00:02:14.660 --> 00:02:26.630 Lenore: woman who's putting herself forward as a candidate at the elections. Sophie Scott and and these doorknobs. You don't actually have political conversations with people. All you're doing is you're finding out whether they're aware of her. 20 00:02:26.770 --> 00:02:50.210 Lenore: And if so, what their attitude is, and if they're not, you just sort of give them a brief feel for the key thing she's standing for. You might lead them with a brochure, or tell them where to find more information if they're interested. And then, you know, you just give them a nice experience. Oh, and we ask them, what what matters to them? So what are the key issues that matter to you at at, for in the election that's pretty much all it is. 21 00:02:50.350 --> 00:03:11.169 Lenore: There's an occasional sort of person who will want you to. Oh, come in, and we will talk about it. And what have you? Which really ruins the plan? Because you've got a whole street to get through but I didn't have any of those but anyway, so I said to this old man, Oh, yeah, Lenore, this is what I'm doing, you know, are you, you know? Have you heard of Sophie Scumps? 22 00:03:11.660 --> 00:03:13.839 Lenore: Nope, not interested in any of that? 23 00:03:14.160 --> 00:03:20.129 Lenore: I'm like, oh, okay. So you know, what are the issues that matter to you at the upcoming election. 24 00:03:20.450 --> 00:03:22.030 Lenore: We don't care about anything. 25 00:03:23.710 --> 00:03:29.179 Lenore: No one prepared me for that response. I'm like, Oh. 26 00:03:29.250 --> 00:03:34.870 Lenore: you don't care about anything, and he's like, no, we've got our life here, and that's all we care about. 27 00:03:35.850 --> 00:03:37.839 Lenore: Like, right? Okay. 28 00:03:37.940 --> 00:03:59.389 Lenore: I'm just kind of thinking on my feet. And I'm thinking, come on, there has to be something that you care about. That is a you know Federal issue. I couldn't think of one except for it was more of a state issue, really, but I just sort of plucked it out of the air, went, oh, what about you know? Aged care issues, or you know, healthcare for. 29 00:03:59.660 --> 00:04:01.850 Lenore: and he's like, No, don't care. 30 00:04:02.490 --> 00:04:04.520 Lenore: Don't care about anything I'm like. 31 00:04:04.650 --> 00:04:16.579 Lenore: alright. Okay. Hello! You have to vote for someone on the weekends. Think about Sophie, and you know, thanks for your time. And if I went on my way and 32 00:04:17.700 --> 00:04:18.709 Lenore: That 33 00:04:18.829 --> 00:04:26.870 Lenore: experience like that, that, that man that couple have sort of come to personify for me. Disengagement. 34 00:04:28.090 --> 00:04:35.270 Lenore: you know. All we care about is our little 500 square metres. Don't care about anything outside of that 35 00:04:36.670 --> 00:04:48.409 Lenore: now on one level as someone who at that time. So this is sort of first few months of last year I was putting aside a really important project. 36 00:04:49.310 --> 00:04:54.029 Lenore: That I'd already had to put aside a bunch of times, and I was putting it aside again 37 00:04:54.580 --> 00:05:00.790 Lenore: in order to devote my time to helping. you know. Try to make this change. 38 00:05:01.220 --> 00:05:12.040 Lenore: and you know and it was uncomfortable, as I described to you last night. It's not exactly something II felt comfortable doing, and it was for the greater good. And 39 00:05:12.690 --> 00:05:16.710 Lenore: to me this couple kind of personified part of the problem 40 00:05:16.900 --> 00:05:20.659 Lenore: with our world, and that is that what's in it for me? Mentality 41 00:05:20.830 --> 00:05:28.270 Lenore: and an absolute lack of any kind of civic responsibility, interest in an engagement. 42 00:05:30.540 --> 00:05:33.820 Lenore: But on another level I understood it. 43 00:05:35.720 --> 00:05:42.880 Lenore: The willingness to raise our head above the parapet and and look out there in and see what's going in. On in the world. 44 00:05:44.410 --> 00:05:50.970 Lenore: sort of to look beyond the walls of our homely little 500 square metres. It can be overwhelming. 45 00:05:52.990 --> 00:06:10.300 Lenore: I mean, we've talked a lot this week already about, you know, crises going on. We've got the climate crisis. We've got the wars in Ukraine. We've got Israel and Palestine. I actually looked up the other day. There's a agency in Geneva that tracks armed conflicts around the world. 46 00:06:10.440 --> 00:06:17.159 Lenore: and there are more than a hundred 10 armed conflicts currently going on around the world. 47 00:06:18.090 --> 00:06:20.390 Lenore: and most of us know of probably 2 of them. 48 00:06:22.350 --> 00:06:29.249 Lenore: So you know. And then we've got the other things we've picked up on already, you know, housing crisis. 49 00:06:29.300 --> 00:06:34.240 Cost of living crisis. We've got good old bigotry in all of its forms. 50 00:06:34.450 --> 00:06:46.449 Lenore: you know, and then, of course, the climate emergency. So you know the willingness to engage the willingness to look out there over the walls of the castle. 51 00:06:48.000 --> 00:06:52.260 Lenore: You know it can be hard. it can be painful. 52 00:06:52.610 --> 00:06:59.789 Lenore: I've already had a couple of conversations, you know. Morning tea and lunchtime. And what have you with people? Where 53 00:07:00.210 --> 00:07:05.730 Lenore: all about all this talk about the crises? You know it's it, can. It can feel heavy. It can feel hard. 54 00:07:08.230 --> 00:07:14.210 Lenore: So I want to suggest that our our first choice in engaging with this world in crisis is 55 00:07:15.150 --> 00:07:18.820 Lenore: whether to look at all at an issue. 56 00:07:19.830 --> 00:07:22.989 Lenore: and if so, how to do that. 57 00:07:27.400 --> 00:07:35.449 Lenore: I want to suggest that this looking or attending to, you know, taking notice of finding out about paying attention to 58 00:07:36.300 --> 00:07:41.520 Lenore: it occurs on the spectrum, and so at one end we've got 59 00:07:42.000 --> 00:07:50.559 Lenore: our old couple who don't care about anything. They don't. They don't. Wanna they don't just don't wanna look at anything. 60 00:07:50.850 --> 00:07:54.959 Lenore: And then at the other end, we've got undiscerning. 61 00:07:55.290 --> 00:08:02.850 Lenore: Whatever comes my way I look at it. and I'm going to suggest that this is a classic case of the middle way, being 62 00:08:02.960 --> 00:08:04.880 Lenore: skillful. 63 00:08:06.160 --> 00:08:10.979 Lenore: and so I hope to to help you with that this evening. So 64 00:08:12.910 --> 00:08:14.489 Lenore: if we take 65 00:08:15.730 --> 00:08:17.660 Lenore: yeah, I'll wake up. 66 00:08:19.060 --> 00:08:20.250 Lenore: So 67 00:08:21.130 --> 00:08:36.709 Lenore: I indicated on the very first day that one of the key issues that has captured my attention. To do with engaging with this world in crisis is the fact that our attentional bandwidth is constantly under attack. 68 00:08:37.309 --> 00:08:47.930 Lenore: There's a plethora of actors out there vying for our attention in this attention economy. and that this is a recipe. If we don't exercise discernment 69 00:08:48.540 --> 00:09:00.810 Lenore: for either numbing out or overwhelm nothing out checking out or overwhelm and checking like checking out like this old couple obviously had. 70 00:09:03.100 --> 00:09:07.800 Lenore: Now I expect that this is not an issue Gotuma had to deal with 71 00:09:07.890 --> 00:09:09.119 Lenore: in his time. 72 00:09:11.670 --> 00:09:15.190 Lenore: It's very much a secular 73 00:09:15.570 --> 00:09:19.370 Lenore: issue. It's of our secul, and it's of our time. 74 00:09:20.990 --> 00:09:27.860 Lenore: So the very first ethical act we need to consciously engaging is making a choice about 75 00:09:27.940 --> 00:09:37.080 Lenore: what we're going to allow to have contact with our sensorium. And by sensorium I just mean, you know our body, mind. 76 00:09:37.140 --> 00:09:40.469 Lenore: and in this case I'm especially talking about our mind. 77 00:09:40.850 --> 00:09:43.680 Lenore: But obviously the whole thing is connected. 78 00:09:45.250 --> 00:09:54.639 Lenore: Now you may have come across the term, guard your senses. I came across quite early in my Dharma exploration, and at first I remember thinking that 79 00:09:54.850 --> 00:10:01.320 Lenore: why would you do that? Isn't that a form of a version? You know this is unpleasant. So I'm going to block it out. 80 00:10:02.490 --> 00:10:06.510 Lenore: And it can be if it's just a reactive, you know, blocking. 81 00:10:08.500 --> 00:10:15.460 Lenore: But I actually believe now that mindful and skillful guarding of our senses is essential 82 00:10:15.970 --> 00:10:26.300 Lenore: to avoid this numbing out, checking out or overwhelm. because if we don't do this and do it skillfully. 83 00:10:27.140 --> 00:10:31.100 Lenore: will, will, it'll render us 84 00:10:31.370 --> 00:10:33.029 Lenore: unable to engage. 85 00:10:33.060 --> 00:10:39.809 Lenore: will become useless to the project of improving this world, of of engaging ethically with our world. 86 00:10:41.350 --> 00:10:46.860 Lenore: Now, to make this conscious choice. to pay attention to what we're paying attention to. 87 00:10:47.890 --> 00:10:51.480 Lenore: many of us may need to slow down. 88 00:10:52.910 --> 00:10:54.960 Lenore: Dare I say it do less? 89 00:10:56.930 --> 00:11:02.550 Lenore: I don't know if you've noticed this in your life, but it's really clear to me that speed 90 00:11:02.660 --> 00:11:06.310 Lenore: and mindfulness are inimical to each other. 91 00:11:06.750 --> 00:11:14.800 Lenore: they they fight against each other. This is really obvious to me in a really practical way, in my sport. 92 00:11:14.970 --> 00:11:26.120 Lenore: So anytime you're doing something that has to be performed at speed. So a block start, sprint hurdles high, jump long jump, you know, throws 93 00:11:26.580 --> 00:11:28.319 Lenore: it's all performed quickly. 94 00:11:29.950 --> 00:11:35.269 Lenore: So, as an example with my sprint hurdles. I was telling someone the other day, 95 00:11:35.460 --> 00:11:39.460 Lenore: my goal. So I my my next goal with the sprint headers. I wanna 96 00:11:40.040 --> 00:11:44.630 Lenore: hopefully break the Australian record before I leave this age group next year. 97 00:11:44.980 --> 00:11:52.249 Lenore: and to do that, my goal is, I have to between touchdown on one hurdle and touchdown on the next hurdle. 98 00:11:52.750 --> 00:11:58.170 Lenore: My goal is for that to be 1.0 6 s 99 00:11:59.090 --> 00:12:06.080 Lenore: or better so, in 1.0 6 s I have to 100 00:12:06.570 --> 00:12:21.940 Lenore: land and balance myself. I have to bring my trailing around, get it in front. power it down into the ground so that I'm accelerating off the hurdle. I have to take 3 strides as fast as I can to get across that gap 101 00:12:21.980 --> 00:12:24.060 Lenore: and to get me in the right takeoff 102 00:12:24.070 --> 00:12:29.900 Lenore: spot for the next hurdle, and then I have to get myself into a position to take off and be 103 00:12:29.910 --> 00:12:32.139 Lenore: yeah as low as I can over that hurdle 104 00:12:32.280 --> 00:12:36.870 Lenore: so that I can bring that next leg down and and land. So all of that has to happen 105 00:12:36.950 --> 00:12:41.170 Lenore: in 1.0 6 s. So 106 00:12:41.290 --> 00:12:52.669 Lenore: when you're trying to change something that you're doing about hurdling or improve it, or or teach it. It takes it takes quite a lot of time and repetition 107 00:12:52.880 --> 00:12:54.190 Lenore: because 108 00:12:55.460 --> 00:12:59.040 Lenore: you you can't attend in great detail 109 00:12:59.060 --> 00:13:02.029 Lenore: to all of those things because you're doing them at speed. 110 00:13:03.160 --> 00:13:04.200 Lenore: So 111 00:13:05.320 --> 00:13:10.339 Lenore: think of our attentional capacity like the broadband cable that comes into your house. 112 00:13:10.560 --> 00:13:12.429 Lenore: It has a limited 113 00:13:12.770 --> 00:13:15.540 Lenore: ability to transmit data 114 00:13:16.160 --> 00:13:17.190 Lenore: in and out 115 00:13:19.600 --> 00:13:21.610 Lenore: when it comes to our minds. 116 00:13:22.440 --> 00:13:25.709 Lenore: If we jam packed that bandwidth. 117 00:13:26.160 --> 00:13:28.889 Lenore: The detail of our perception is traded off. 118 00:13:30.720 --> 00:13:34.640 Lenore: It's like with a video, you have to reduce the frames per second. 119 00:13:36.730 --> 00:13:46.169 Lenore: So we no longer have good perceptual acuity. We can't notice the detail in our experience if we're rushing through life at a million miles an hour. 120 00:13:48.860 --> 00:13:53.840 Lenore: and that says nothing of what many people call multitasking. 121 00:13:54.840 --> 00:14:02.300 Lenore: which, at least, if we're talking about tasks that require any kind of processing capacity, there is no such thing as multitasking. 122 00:14:02.390 --> 00:14:05.870 Lenore: It's actually what psychologists call context switching. 123 00:14:06.450 --> 00:14:12.930 Lenore: So when you so-called multitask. what you're actually doing is you're drawing yourself out of one task. 124 00:14:13.510 --> 00:14:23.270 Lenore: You're shifting your mind to another task. You're reorienting your mind to what that new task is, and possibly where you were up to, you know in it last time you were there you were 125 00:14:23.370 --> 00:14:35.779 Lenore: engaging your memory and your planning abilities for what you're going to do there and then you engage in that task and that switching process, dragging yourself out of one shifting and orienting yourself into another. All 126 00:14:36.330 --> 00:14:37.969 Lenore: it's all costly. 127 00:14:38.030 --> 00:14:45.689 Lenore: attention-wise. It takes attention. So context switching is actually really inefficient way to work. 128 00:14:46.630 --> 00:14:54.000 Lenore: And there, as I say, there's no real such thing as multitasking when it comes to tasks that require processing capacity. 129 00:14:55.490 --> 00:15:03.070 Lenore: So to even be able to do what it is, I'm going to play with with you tonight. 130 00:15:03.510 --> 00:15:09.930 Lenore: we're which is paying attention to what we pay attention to. 131 00:15:10.250 --> 00:15:13.280 Lenore: I'm going to suggest that or invite you all 132 00:15:13.630 --> 00:15:22.470 Lenore: to join an imaginary organization called Par. which stands for people against rushing. 133 00:15:23.590 --> 00:15:29.620 Lenore: And it's an organization I dreamt up many years ago, actually. and 134 00:15:29.730 --> 00:15:32.880 Lenore: to join to join. All you have to do is 135 00:15:33.030 --> 00:15:41.670 Lenore: genuinely intend to try to meet 3 commitments. The first one is 20% buffer time 136 00:15:42.360 --> 00:15:45.049 Lenore: on any deadline, so that includes. 137 00:15:45.070 --> 00:15:56.430 Lenore: you know, arriving somewhere. travel time, that kind of thing. So if it's gonna take, you know, if you think it's gonna take me an hour to get from here to there. Give yourself an hour and 12 min. 138 00:15:59.080 --> 00:16:00.690 Lenore: So 20% buffer time. 139 00:16:00.760 --> 00:16:03.040 Lenore: Second commitment is 140 00:16:03.190 --> 00:16:05.110 Lenore: blank spaces in the diary. 141 00:16:06.430 --> 00:16:07.670 Lenore: So 142 00:16:08.260 --> 00:16:11.459 Lenore: prioritising and honoring nothing time. 143 00:16:13.330 --> 00:16:18.249 Lenore: so that might be on any given day. It might be a 15 min period 144 00:16:18.330 --> 00:16:19.540 Lenore: where you just sit 145 00:16:20.830 --> 00:16:24.570 Lenore: and you know, take in the warm air and the birds in the trees. 146 00:16:25.540 --> 00:16:33.370 Lenore: If that's all you can manage in a week, it might just be a Sunday afternoon. We've got nothing planned. Yes. 147 00:16:33.820 --> 00:16:37.550 Lenore: hang it home, or it's it's not for chores. 148 00:16:38.040 --> 00:16:43.530 Lenore: It's not for getting back to emails. It's for just doing nothing. 149 00:16:44.340 --> 00:16:48.660 Lenore: And then, obviously, you might want to build a bigger chunk in 150 00:16:48.730 --> 00:17:00.160 Lenore: monthly or 6 monthly, or what have you? But it's honoring and planning for? Because, as I spoke about a few days ago credible intentions of things that we've either mentally rehearsed or mentally planned. 151 00:17:00.600 --> 00:17:05.060 Lenore: He's actually planning for that nothing time and really valuing it. 152 00:17:06.359 --> 00:17:07.819 Lenore: So 20% buffer 153 00:17:07.940 --> 00:17:17.519 Lenore: blank spaces in the diary, and the third one is, which won't be need any explanation to this crowd is, be where you are. 154 00:17:19.410 --> 00:17:26.690 Lenore: And I actually have here some par cards. If any of you would like to take some 155 00:17:26.960 --> 00:17:46.230 Lenore: that you can take and put in your wallet, or give to a friend? Or what have you? And for the our friends online, you can access them. You can download them from my website, which is just flourish personalgrowth.com. So there's a tools menu, and it's a free download on my website. 156 00:17:49.090 --> 00:17:55.769 Lenore: So we need to join par so that we can slow down enough to pay attention to what we're paying attention to. 157 00:17:56.710 --> 00:18:04.300 Lenore: So let's imagine we've done that. Let's imagine we freed up our attention or bandwidth enough that we can pay attention. 158 00:18:04.830 --> 00:18:07.290 Lenore: I'm gonna offer you a little tool to help you 159 00:18:07.530 --> 00:18:11.919 Lenore: discern whether to engage as this peaceful warrior. 160 00:18:13.210 --> 00:18:17.489 Lenore: whether to engage with this world in crisis on any given 161 00:18:17.520 --> 00:18:24.439 Lenore: issue. or whether to guard your senses, whether to raise the drawbridge and say, Nope. 162 00:18:25.650 --> 00:18:30.619 Lenore: Self-protection's kicking in self sustenance, sustainability is kicking in. 163 00:18:31.720 --> 00:18:32.869 Lenore: pat let you in 164 00:18:35.130 --> 00:18:37.169 Lenore: to raise the drawbridge over the moat. 165 00:18:38.310 --> 00:18:47.099 Lenore: So the majority of the rest of the session tonight from me is actually this activity, and I know there are some people who don't like doing 166 00:18:47.300 --> 00:18:51.820 Lenore: guided reflections and things. So if you're one of those people 167 00:18:51.960 --> 00:18:55.520 Lenore: feel free to not participate. 168 00:18:55.710 --> 00:19:09.699 Lenore: or to leave and go for a walk, or whatever you want to do. because the rest of our session tonight will be doing this for the rest of you if you can grab. You need an a 4 sheet of paper. 169 00:19:10.000 --> 00:19:16.119 Lenore: something to write with, and a highlighter, and I've got a whole stack of highlighters down there. If you don't have one. 170 00:19:20.700 --> 00:19:28.799 Lenore: and people at home, if you are able to furnish yourself with the same thing. If you don't have a highlighter you can make do with a pen. 171 00:20:06.880 --> 00:20:07.830 Hold on! 172 00:20:25.020 --> 00:20:26.150 Lenore: It's awful! 173 00:20:46.330 --> 00:20:50.180 Lenore: Oh, and here are the Parc cards, and I'll I'll just I'll leave them on the table here. 174 00:21:07.710 --> 00:21:08.719 and so on. 175 00:21:12.210 --> 00:21:19.020 Lenore: Okay, so first thing, if you can draw a little corridor down the left and bottom. 176 00:21:19.430 --> 00:21:24.180 Lenore: Put your paper landscape orientation on its side 177 00:21:24.300 --> 00:21:28.930 Lenore: and draw a corridor just enough room. You'll only need to write one word 178 00:21:29.680 --> 00:21:34.640 Lenore: down the down, the left-hand margin and across the bottom margin. 179 00:21:35.370 --> 00:21:36.650 Lenore: so like an L, 180 00:22:01.740 --> 00:22:02.830 Lenore: and then 181 00:22:03.590 --> 00:22:11.250 Lenore: top. Left-hand corner is high, bottom left-hand, but bottom, right-hand corner is high and bottom left-hand corner. Right. The word low. 182 00:22:16.610 --> 00:22:17.910 Send a few points. 183 00:22:18.480 --> 00:22:22.160 Lenore: Hi, bye, Lowe. 184 00:22:22.470 --> 00:22:25.729 Lenore: Yeah, I've just put HI. But yes, that's the word. 185 00:22:27.340 --> 00:22:29.199 Lenore: Only the bottom where as well 186 00:22:29.400 --> 00:22:36.219 Lenore: low, is down here. Not love. Yeah. 187 00:22:36.540 --> 00:22:39.080 Lenore: Okay. Next. 188 00:22:39.130 --> 00:22:40.760 Lenore: where's my little shape? 189 00:22:43.740 --> 00:22:47.780 Lenore: Put my shapes. I know what it is. Okay. 190 00:22:54.200 --> 00:22:58.780 Lenore: Mindfulness in the left margin. 191 00:23:08.470 --> 00:23:14.230 Lenore: seeing we're seeing SWEI, NG in the bottom. 192 00:23:19.600 --> 00:23:22.480 Lenore: seeing SEIN, g. 193 00:23:29.840 --> 00:23:33.780 Lenore: and then in your big box in the middle drawer, a cross in the middle of it. 194 00:23:53.950 --> 00:23:59.949 Lenore: Okay, so what we've got here are 2 factors. How mindful we are about 195 00:24:00.160 --> 00:24:04.550 Lenore: letting in or not letting in this information into our minds. 196 00:24:05.160 --> 00:24:12.920 Lenore: absorbing it. and whether the extent to which we're looking at it. you know low is not. Don't even 197 00:24:12.930 --> 00:24:17.200 Lenore: look at this at all, and high is yep. I let everything in. 198 00:24:19.320 --> 00:24:23.799 Lenore: So if what I'm going to do is I've got a whole bunch of 199 00:24:23.920 --> 00:24:26.600 Lenore: crises listed. 200 00:24:27.330 --> 00:24:39.350 Lenore: and you're going to have the opportunity to add your own at the end. And what I want you to do is as I tell you what they are, place them in the relevant quadrant. 201 00:24:39.560 --> 00:24:46.849 Lenore: based on the extent to which you currently allow information in about that issue. 202 00:24:47.580 --> 00:24:53.140 Lenore: and the extent to which you are mindful about that letting in or keeping out. 203 00:24:55.290 --> 00:24:57.680 Lenore: So, for example, if I 204 00:24:57.780 --> 00:25:02.359 Lenore: show no discernment, and I just read everything and watch everything and listen to everything 205 00:25:02.930 --> 00:25:05.940 Lenore: it it would be high on the seeing. 206 00:25:06.860 --> 00:25:09.159 Lenore: But I'd be low on the mindfulness. 207 00:25:09.480 --> 00:25:12.209 Lenore: because I'm not being discerning about it at all. 208 00:25:13.200 --> 00:25:15.710 Lenore: If I am 209 00:25:16.780 --> 00:25:21.320 Lenore: letting in information about an issue. 210 00:25:21.740 --> 00:25:25.969 Lenore: and I'm consciously choosing to do that. It would be in the top right? 211 00:25:26.050 --> 00:25:32.180 Lenore: There's a lot. There's high mindfulness about choosing to attend to it, and there's 212 00:25:32.480 --> 00:25:38.270 Lenore: high seeing I'm I'm letting the information in. 213 00:25:38.320 --> 00:25:48.559 Lenore: Now you're going to write a word or 2 to represent some issues that I'm that I'm going to give you. So any questions about what what we're doing? 214 00:25:49.280 --> 00:25:53.480 Lenore: Not okay. All right. So 215 00:25:54.140 --> 00:25:59.450 Lenore: I think only the first one will be maybe not relevant for 216 00:25:59.700 --> 00:26:02.339 Lenore: non Australians, but 217 00:26:03.450 --> 00:26:06.980 Lenore: the aboriginal people's upset at the referendum failure. 218 00:26:07.010 --> 00:26:14.469 Lenore: and there and the aboriginal, aboriginal people's challenges. So you might want to write Australian aborigines or indigenous people or something. 219 00:26:26.310 --> 00:26:29.560 Me, too, and the gender and gender-based bigotry. 220 00:26:39.680 --> 00:26:42.649 Lenore: information about the cruelty of the dairy industry? 221 00:26:50.420 --> 00:26:51.170 What is that? 222 00:26:52.100 --> 00:26:54.489 Lenore: The cruelty of the dairy industry. 223 00:26:56.900 --> 00:26:58.120 Lenore: cruelty. 224 00:26:58.570 --> 00:26:59.260 Yep. 225 00:27:02.820 --> 00:27:05.160 Lenore: Information about the war in Ukraine. 226 00:27:14.370 --> 00:27:18.310 Lenore: Information about the war in Palestine. Israel Palestine. 227 00:27:32.000 --> 00:27:36.069 Lenore: Information about what the future will hold if the climate emergency arrives. 228 00:27:51.840 --> 00:27:55.350 Lenore: Information about the plight of refugees in your country. 229 00:28:08.870 --> 00:28:12.239 Lenore: information about the plight of refugees in other parts of the world. 230 00:28:26.350 --> 00:28:30.190 Lenore: information about the housing crisis in your country. 231 00:28:45.230 --> 00:28:47.620 Lenore: The cruelty of the pork industry. 232 00:29:01.310 --> 00:29:03.389 Lenore: The issue of domestic violence. 233 00:29:18.950 --> 00:29:20.720 Lenore: The cost of living Crisis 234 00:29:36.920 --> 00:29:39.170 Lenore: Plight of the Uighurs in China. 235 00:29:46.850 --> 00:29:49.599 Lenore: The plight of the Wiggers in China. 236 00:29:50.030 --> 00:29:51.080 Lenore: Wiggaz. 237 00:29:51.440 --> 00:29:54.679 Lenore: Okay, there's your answer. 238 00:30:01.740 --> 00:30:07.009 Lenore: the daily stories of murder and violence that is often called the News. 239 00:30:09.270 --> 00:30:17.920 Lenore: the daily stories of murder and violence. I actually call it the crime, Death and Destruction Report. which is more commonly called the News 240 00:30:30.770 --> 00:30:34.240 Lenore: information and stories about natural disasters. 241 00:30:56.270 --> 00:30:58.639 Lenore: the cruelty of the egg industry. 242 00:31:18.840 --> 00:31:23.680 Lenore: stories about lack of integrity in politics, in your political system. 243 00:31:42.890 --> 00:31:45.120 Lenore: details of the issue of racism. 244 00:31:47.820 --> 00:31:49.000 Lenore: racism. 245 00:31:49.990 --> 00:31:52.670 Lenore: race is a 246 00:31:52.800 --> 00:31:53.510 please. 247 00:32:01.340 --> 00:32:03.800 Lenore: Yes. 248 00:32:04.480 --> 00:32:05.810 Lenore: we're nearly finished. 249 00:32:07.380 --> 00:32:14.640 Lenore: What I call the unhappiness epidemic so increasing rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide in the developed world. 250 00:32:26.330 --> 00:32:30.199 Lenore: and last, but not least, a difficulty or crisis of your choice. 251 00:32:32.220 --> 00:32:36.520 Lenore: so there might be something I haven't mentioned here that you pay attention to. 252 00:32:38.310 --> 00:32:40.109 Lenore: mindfully or otherwise. 253 00:32:42.420 --> 00:32:43.660 Lenore: feel free to add that 254 00:33:07.550 --> 00:33:16.389 Lenore: now you'll notice this is mostly in those outer circles of of our world that I talked about. Yeah, it's community and global. You could equally do this. For you know 255 00:33:16.690 --> 00:33:22.540 Lenore: direct personal crises in your world you could include, but for for the purposes of 256 00:33:22.680 --> 00:33:34.890 Lenore: this exercise we'll just keep it to these. So what you've got there is is a map of your current willingness to see in regard to community and global crises. 257 00:33:36.240 --> 00:33:42.270 Lenore: now, our minds take the shape of what we rest them on. 258 00:33:42.310 --> 00:33:43.490 Lenore: So 259 00:33:43.660 --> 00:33:47.100 Lenore: let's have a look at our current state of seeing 260 00:33:47.550 --> 00:33:56.839 Lenore: so to orient you. So what I want you to do is pay attention to how many issues you've got on the right versus versus the left to solve, if 261 00:33:57.170 --> 00:33:58.669 Lenore: of your piece of paper. 262 00:34:00.210 --> 00:34:05.710 Lenore: so to the extent that the issues are loaded to the right rather than left. You're bearing witness. 263 00:34:07.340 --> 00:34:11.900 Lenore: You're allowing the world into your attentional and emotional space. 264 00:34:13.489 --> 00:34:18.560 Lenore: If there's too much on the right. you're possibly 265 00:34:18.850 --> 00:34:23.480 Lenore: experiencing overwhelm, or soon to be experiencing overwhelm 266 00:34:24.949 --> 00:34:31.799 Lenore: to the extent that they're on the left for better or for worse, and we'll explore this in a second. You're keeping the world out 267 00:34:33.929 --> 00:34:41.219 Lenore: of your attentional bandwidth. So that's left versus right. Am I letting it in, or I'm am I keeping it out 268 00:34:41.620 --> 00:34:48.690 Lenore: top? This is bottom to the extent that your issues are loaded to the top of the page. You're being mindful 269 00:34:48.909 --> 00:34:51.899 Lenore: in managing, in managing your attentional bandwidth 270 00:34:54.330 --> 00:34:56.470 Lenore: to the extent that they're loaded to the bottom. 271 00:34:57.280 --> 00:35:02.290 Lenore: Your attentional sphere is not being treated with due care or seriousness. 272 00:35:04.300 --> 00:35:07.029 Lenore: So now let's have a look at each quadrant. 273 00:35:07.870 --> 00:35:15.370 Lenore: So if we call quadrant, one is top right? One so high mindfulness high seeing. 274 00:35:15.790 --> 00:35:21.189 Lenore: So as I'll go through each quadrant and so have a look at what you've got in each quadrant as I go through it. 275 00:35:21.820 --> 00:35:23.309 Lenore: So, quadrant one 276 00:35:25.310 --> 00:35:29.680 Lenore: is the willingness to embrace difficult space to bear 277 00:35:31.840 --> 00:35:33.799 Lenore: high and high top right? 278 00:35:43.100 --> 00:35:47.420 Lenore: So we're bearing witness to to some unpleasant reality in our world. 279 00:35:48.460 --> 00:35:53.539 Lenore: at least enough to be able to decide whether to engage, and if if so, to what extent. 280 00:35:53.580 --> 00:35:59.410 Lenore: or because there's another. Even if we don't engage. Sometimes we decide there's a benefit to 281 00:35:59.770 --> 00:36:04.319 Lenore: me or my my world as a good citizen. 282 00:36:04.340 --> 00:36:06.979 Lenore: just to understand the issue. At least. 283 00:36:08.320 --> 00:36:13.829 Lenore: so this is the peaceful warrior bearing witness. and possibly assessing whether to be involved. 284 00:36:15.440 --> 00:36:26.830 Lenore: If you have a lot in this quadrant. and your mindfulness is operating effectively, it should be sustainable. You shouldn't be in overwhelm if you are feeling overwhelmed. 285 00:36:27.230 --> 00:36:34.089 Lenore: Perhaps your mindful consideration needs to prioritize more highly the issue of self-care and sustainability. 286 00:36:39.480 --> 00:36:43.900 Lenore: Quadrant 2. So quadrant 2 is 287 00:36:44.240 --> 00:36:46.030 Lenore: tall 288 00:36:46.290 --> 00:36:52.299 Lenore: left from your angle, so high mindfulness low, seeing so any in this 289 00:36:52.610 --> 00:36:53.760 Lenore: quadrant here. 290 00:36:55.240 --> 00:37:01.600 Lenore: So this can be a number of things, and when I finish going through them I'll be really interested to hear 291 00:37:01.840 --> 00:37:05.460 Lenore: your thoughts about it because I 292 00:37:05.490 --> 00:37:15.299 Lenore: invented this exercise for you guys, I've never done it before. So there might be more, even greater variety of things in this quadrant than what I what I could think of. 293 00:37:15.350 --> 00:37:20.150 So it can be a number of things. So first of all, it could be really skillful regeneration. 294 00:37:20.580 --> 00:37:23.540 Lenore: So, going back to my athletics 295 00:37:23.610 --> 00:37:31.450 Lenore: each week I have 2 rest days each month. I have a week called Regen Week. 296 00:37:31.690 --> 00:37:43.800 Lenore: which is, we d load me still trained, but we, we deload me give the body a chance to recover and recuperate. and every year, once I've had my major Comp. I have a good 3 or 4 weeks off. 297 00:37:44.130 --> 00:37:51.109 Lenore: So we we build, we build regeneration and rest and recovery into the program. 298 00:37:51.410 --> 00:37:53.640 Lenore: And this is just as important 299 00:37:54.540 --> 00:37:57.689 Lenore: in our role as peaceful warriors in the world. 300 00:37:58.330 --> 00:38:03.179 Lenore: We need to take seriously this issue of regeneration. 301 00:38:03.540 --> 00:38:05.779 Lenore: So it may be that 302 00:38:05.960 --> 00:38:14.860 Lenore: one or more of the issues in Quadrant true Quadrant 2 might be part of you ensuring and looking after yourself as a regenerative theme. 303 00:38:15.550 --> 00:38:23.029 Lenore: So we are our primary tool in the world. and we need to keep ourselves sharp. and we can't do that 304 00:38:23.350 --> 00:38:28.189 Lenore: if we don't give ourselves time for regeneration and recovery. 305 00:38:29.310 --> 00:38:30.869 Lenore: so it could be recovery 306 00:38:36.060 --> 00:38:41.179 Lenore: now, because it could be that you are so engaged in that upper right quadrant. 307 00:38:41.310 --> 00:38:44.509 Lenore: High mindfulness, high seeing Quadrant. 308 00:38:44.880 --> 00:38:50.209 Lenore: that allowing any more into your bandwidth. is going to push you into overwhelm. 309 00:38:50.930 --> 00:38:56.459 Lenore: So it can be skillful to say to to realize that to be monitoring your state of 310 00:38:56.690 --> 00:39:04.970 Lenore: energy, energy, or overwhelm. And if there's a sense that you're getting close to that border of overwhelm. 311 00:39:05.120 --> 00:39:08.130 Lenore: to push a few things into Quadrant 2 312 00:39:09.130 --> 00:39:13.319 Lenore: to draw raise the drawbridge for a few issues. 313 00:39:16.490 --> 00:39:28.099 Lenore: Now, it can also be a determination from Quadrant One. Maybe there was an issue in Quadrant one where you did look at it, and you mindfully chose to investigate it. 314 00:39:28.410 --> 00:39:32.819 Lenore: and you decided that there's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can reasonably do. 315 00:39:34.840 --> 00:39:42.740 Lenore: In that case it's often the case that, continuing to pay attention to it is just going to drain your energy. 316 00:39:44.780 --> 00:39:46.369 Lenore: For me. 317 00:39:46.420 --> 00:39:51.809 Lenore: some of the things that are in that kind of category for me are natural disasters. 318 00:39:52.100 --> 00:39:59.429 Lenore: I still to this day have not seen the footage that everyone else seemed to not be able to tear their eyes away from. 319 00:39:59.910 --> 00:40:03.119 Lenore: Of the tsunami in Indonesia a few years ago. 320 00:40:03.420 --> 00:40:11.340 Lenore: I still to this day have not seen it. because I know it's just going to be distressing. and 321 00:40:12.030 --> 00:40:16.519 Lenore: there is absolutely no benefit whatsoever in me distressing myself like that. 322 00:40:17.100 --> 00:40:19.039 Lenore: So I chose not to 323 00:40:19.320 --> 00:40:26.369 Lenore: look at any of that footage when it was out and about the crime, death, and destruction. Report is on this for me. 324 00:40:27.180 --> 00:40:32.989 Lenore: so II mindfully choose not to watch the news or listen to the news. 325 00:40:33.880 --> 00:40:37.610 Lenore: I scan the guardian app 326 00:40:37.620 --> 00:40:39.689 Lenore: headlines, and I decide 327 00:40:40.350 --> 00:40:42.860 Lenore: what I'm going to read about. 328 00:40:43.160 --> 00:40:44.090 Lenore: From that 329 00:40:44.850 --> 00:40:53.210 Lenore: I can't completely escape crime, death, and destruction. But at least that news source is 330 00:40:53.420 --> 00:41:00.590 Lenore: less oriented towards that kind of thing. So the daily murder and violence. But 331 00:41:00.880 --> 00:41:03.370 Lenore: in Quadrant 2 for me, I just 332 00:41:03.620 --> 00:41:06.649 Lenore: there is, in my view, absolutely no benefit 333 00:41:06.800 --> 00:41:15.020 Lenore: in me hearing about who killed? Whom? Yeah. 334 00:41:16.390 --> 00:41:20.279 Lenore: Now, it could also be avoiding traumatic triggering. 335 00:41:20.430 --> 00:41:29.939 Lenore: So there are some issues that I mean clearly you will have gathered by now. That animal cruelty is clearly something that I care a lot about. 336 00:41:30.250 --> 00:41:36.099 Lenore: But the few animal issues that I mentioned in that list. They're all in Quadrant, too, for me. 337 00:41:36.380 --> 00:41:37.549 Lenore: I don't look at them 338 00:41:38.670 --> 00:41:43.590 Lenore: because I have looked. I've done the the responsible citizenry I have looked. 339 00:41:43.680 --> 00:41:46.250 Lenore: and I'm doing everything I can do. 340 00:41:47.190 --> 00:41:53.500 Lenore: So I donate money to animals. Australia and I support Bali Street dogs and I, you know 341 00:41:53.980 --> 00:42:02.910 Lenore: very little animal flesh. And you know all those sorts of things. I've really looked at it. I've integrated it into my life, and any more looking is just distressing. 342 00:42:03.620 --> 00:42:05.889 Lenore: So that goes into quadrant 2 343 00:42:06.090 --> 00:42:08.120 Lenore: drawbridge up on that one. 344 00:42:14.800 --> 00:42:21.979 Lenore: other things that fall into that category. I think I mentioned natural disasters. Yeah. Fires, earthquakes, those sorts of things. 345 00:42:22.310 --> 00:42:24.880 Lenore: Just to me. 346 00:42:25.230 --> 00:42:26.710 Lenore: pointless distress 347 00:42:29.660 --> 00:42:41.100 Lenore: there is, and there isn't a possibility as well in this quadrant that you may be neglecting your peaceful warrior opportunities. so there might be some in there where you could be 348 00:42:41.300 --> 00:42:47.619 Lenore: inadvertently rendering yourself part of the crisis by leaving space in your world 349 00:42:47.830 --> 00:42:53.249 Lenore: for reactivity to dominate and suffering to continue or worsen because you're not looking at it 350 00:42:54.390 --> 00:42:57.489 Lenore: so it can be unkindness in action. 351 00:42:58.830 --> 00:43:04.200 Lenore: One example of that and I've heard this many times. 352 00:43:05.410 --> 00:43:10.049 Lenore: because I generally don't. Well, you guys might find this hard to believe. I generally don't 353 00:43:10.480 --> 00:43:13.160 Lenore: talk much about vegetarianism. 354 00:43:13.370 --> 00:43:16.420 Lenore: And what have you when it. When is out in my normal life. 355 00:43:17.170 --> 00:43:30.070 Lenore: when people find out that I'm a vegetarian, they often curious and ask me why I'm a vegetarian, and I sound ethical reasons. I hate cruelty. And the number of times I've had someone say to me. 356 00:43:30.260 --> 00:43:34.839 Lenore: I couldn't look at all that information, all of that sort of stuff, or I'd have to stop eating meat. 357 00:43:37.350 --> 00:43:38.710 Lenore: that is. 358 00:43:38.970 --> 00:43:42.449 Lenore: you know, quadrant, to neglectful stuff. 359 00:43:43.080 --> 00:43:47.570 Lenore: It's like I don't want to look, because then I'd have to be engaged. 360 00:43:48.450 --> 00:43:49.530 Lenore: So 361 00:43:50.400 --> 00:44:10.070 Lenore: so, Quadrant 2 contains a whole bunch of things would be really interesting. As you look at what issues you've got in there, which those are so it depends on the intention. It depends on how much you know, is it? I'm my issues are in Quadrant 2, because it's skillful self care for, to recuperate and regenerate, sharpen my saw. 362 00:44:10.200 --> 00:44:12.550 Lenore: preserve my energy to keep engaging. 363 00:44:13.550 --> 00:44:14.790 Lenore: or is it 364 00:44:16.810 --> 00:44:28.859 Lenore: avoiding skillful avoidance of triggering? But I'm doing all I can, is it? There's nothing I can do but I've looked at it. Or is it? Actually, I'm avoiding? 365 00:44:31.690 --> 00:44:37.740 Lenore: So with wholesome intentions. Q. 2 can be both compassionate to self and to others. 366 00:44:40.440 --> 00:44:45.519 Lenore: If I feel like I'm sliding into overwhelm which has happened a couple of times. 367 00:44:45.830 --> 00:44:54.179 Lenore: I don't look. I raise the drawbridge. It's skillful, it's self-compassionate. And I think it's an important part of 368 00:44:55.220 --> 00:44:57.030 Lenore: engaging with our overwhelming. 369 00:44:58.350 --> 00:45:07.429 Lenore: So this one, yeah. Remember the yin and the yang of exertion and recovery. That's it's so important to keep ourselves energized. 370 00:45:09.530 --> 00:45:18.600 Lenore: however, without wholesome intentions. It can be selfish and destructive as well, and this is where our personal work had the courage to be honest with ourselves 371 00:45:18.890 --> 00:45:20.410 Lenore: about our choices 372 00:45:20.770 --> 00:45:24.419 Lenore: about. You know why we're doing things about our intentions 373 00:45:24.660 --> 00:45:26.530 Lenore: is really important. 374 00:45:28.330 --> 00:45:30.720 Lenore: So quadrant 2 contains a whole bunch of things. 375 00:45:31.140 --> 00:45:41.840 Lenore: Quadrant 3. So quadrant 3, I would. Is this one here so high, seeing I'm letting lots of information in but low mindfulness. 376 00:45:42.960 --> 00:45:47.720 Lenore: So this is where we have no guards at the entrance to the castle. 377 00:45:48.220 --> 00:45:52.610 Lenore: anything and everything is allowed in no discernment. 378 00:45:54.210 --> 00:45:57.919 Lenore: and this is really important in our seculum. 379 00:45:58.400 --> 00:46:02.980 Lenore: because, as I said, you know, unlike Gotima. 380 00:46:03.310 --> 00:46:09.039 Lenore: we have this constant barrage of information trying to capture our attention. 381 00:46:09.520 --> 00:46:17.130 Lenore: So if we're not being deliberate, if we're not being discerning, if we're not being skillful, we could very easily end up in here 382 00:46:17.860 --> 00:46:19.830 Lenore: with lots of issues in there 383 00:46:21.170 --> 00:46:30.690 Lenore: many years ago I realized I had a lot of things in that. I didn't have a quadrant, but you know I realized I had. There! There was a lot of letting in, of of 384 00:46:31.040 --> 00:46:39.269 Lenore: information that was distressing and didn't seem to go anywhere. Didn't seem to have a point. you know. Sometimes, looking at distressing information's important 385 00:46:39.430 --> 00:46:48.730 Lenore: that leads to productive engagement. But sometimes it's not. And I remember a phase where II had a lot in there. 386 00:46:49.350 --> 00:46:53.100 Lenore: And when I think about it, I think it came from a sense of Catholic guilt. 387 00:46:53.850 --> 00:46:57.459 Lenore: It was this kind of thing of you know. I've got it good. 388 00:46:58.170 --> 00:47:05.580 Lenore: and other people don't. so I need to punish myself by suffering with them 389 00:47:06.450 --> 00:47:10.310 Lenore: was almost a guilt about, you know, having having a good life. 390 00:47:11.680 --> 00:47:15.800 Lenore: Now that's not only cruel to ourselves. 391 00:47:16.140 --> 00:47:19.470 Lenore: but it can lead again to overwhelm and therefore inaction. 392 00:47:21.940 --> 00:47:28.009 Lenore: So this is the this is the quadrant of the stimulation junkie. The news junkie 393 00:47:28.610 --> 00:47:44.439 Lenore: can be a quadrant of being afraid of my inner world. So I'll just. I just have constant stimulation, constant input constantly let you know, data and entertainment in. Then I won't have to 394 00:47:45.710 --> 00:47:53.270 Lenore: sit and be with and notice what happens when none of that's present. What's going on? 395 00:47:53.720 --> 00:48:00.330 Lenore: and the discernment about it comes from 396 00:48:00.860 --> 00:48:02.739 Lenore: the awareness of the impact. 397 00:48:03.830 --> 00:48:10.269 Lenore: So bringing mindfulness to the impact of you know, what what is it like if I just let 398 00:48:10.570 --> 00:48:12.110 Lenore: let it all in. 399 00:48:12.420 --> 00:48:17.659 Lenore: read it all, listen to it at all. Think about it all worry about it all. 400 00:48:18.490 --> 00:48:19.880 Lenore: What's the impact? 401 00:48:21.440 --> 00:48:26.079 Lenore: So bringing our mindfulness to that. Again, remembering that 402 00:48:26.330 --> 00:48:28.680 Lenore: our minds take the shape of what we rest them on 403 00:48:29.510 --> 00:48:36.530 Lenore: and given that there are so many players vying for our attention in this attention. Economy. 404 00:48:36.600 --> 00:48:49.010 Lenore: if we don't practice discernment. If we had no guards at these doors to our senses, if we let everything in. our minds are going to take a very messy, random, anxious, and reactive shape. 405 00:48:50.610 --> 00:48:59.209 Lenore: So if beware, be be be really careful with any issues that you've got in there. 406 00:49:01.670 --> 00:49:06.589 Lenore: a couple of things I thought. Just very specific sort of practical things on this one. 407 00:49:07.080 --> 00:49:10.209 Lenore: Some. So an example of 408 00:49:11.250 --> 00:49:12.830 Lenore: of how much 409 00:49:12.860 --> 00:49:16.119 Lenore: comes our way if we let it. I heard the other day 410 00:49:16.400 --> 00:49:22.539 Lenore: that the Israeli army in the conflict in Israel and Palestine is posting every 2 min 411 00:49:23.190 --> 00:49:24.790 Lenore: about what's going on there 412 00:49:26.670 --> 00:49:36.090 Lenore: in detail about what the what the army is doing. So you know. Imagine if you have no discernment about what you're letting in 413 00:49:36.590 --> 00:49:40.140 Lenore: through those through that castle drawbridge. 414 00:49:40.850 --> 00:49:44.059 Lenore: The other thing is, where do you get your news from? 415 00:49:44.150 --> 00:49:53.180 Lenore: Have a think about that? Because and I'm not just about. You know what attitude you know, or what perspective the editorial 416 00:49:53.240 --> 00:49:56.020 Lenore: teen has but 417 00:49:56.070 --> 00:49:58.510 Lenore: a lot of people, and maybe not. 418 00:49:58.980 --> 00:50:06.109 Lenore: I don't know if this would be so true for the you know, older half in our retreat here, but a lot of 419 00:50:06.310 --> 00:50:07.000 E. 420 00:50:07.250 --> 00:50:11.309 Lenore: I'm going to say younger, but I mean going to include people in their 30 S and 40 s. Here. 421 00:50:11.470 --> 00:50:15.190 Lenore: get their news from social media. 422 00:50:15.410 --> 00:50:18.189 Lenore: So they'll get their news from Facebook, for example. 423 00:50:19.220 --> 00:50:21.430 Lenore: or Google news. 424 00:50:22.220 --> 00:50:23.290 Lenore: Google feed 425 00:50:23.430 --> 00:50:25.490 Lenore: and 426 00:50:25.540 --> 00:50:40.300 Lenore: I heard A, really, I was listening to. I listen to it specifically, a, podcast the other day on why we should not turn off the news. So of course I had to listen to that, because I had this thing about not watching the crime, death, and destruction report. She made a good point on there 427 00:50:40.430 --> 00:50:48.770 Lenore: that if you get your news from social media or Google feeds, or what have you? There is no editorial team 428 00:50:48.900 --> 00:50:57.629 Lenore: making conscious decisions about what is in the interests of the public to to feed you or not, which is what happens with 429 00:50:57.770 --> 00:51:02.630 Lenore: actual. You know, media publications. 430 00:51:02.950 --> 00:51:10.889 Lenore: Obviously those editorial teams have different, you know, attitudes and different values. But there are editorial teams, and there are editorial guidelines 431 00:51:10.990 --> 00:51:14.469 Lenore: and professional standards. So, for example, she said. 432 00:51:14.500 --> 00:51:16.000 Lenore: in 433 00:51:16.410 --> 00:51:23.060 Lenore: in deciding whether to include a graphic photograph of something that would be quite distressing in an article 434 00:51:23.530 --> 00:51:34.569 Lenore: they have to. They and they, you know, have their editorial meetings about this kind of thing. It has to be essential to the core point of the story 435 00:51:35.530 --> 00:51:37.420 Lenore: in order for them to 436 00:51:37.580 --> 00:51:44.970 Lenore: put a graphic, disturbing photo in an article, whereas if you are getting your news from social media feeds. 437 00:51:45.460 --> 00:51:47.719 Lenore: the only thing they care about is clicks. 438 00:51:49.400 --> 00:51:51.450 Lenore: So the more disturbing the better. 439 00:51:53.570 --> 00:51:58.740 Lenore: So that's just it's something I had never thought about in terms of this 440 00:51:59.780 --> 00:52:04.040 Lenore: discernment and this important 441 00:52:04.800 --> 00:52:10.519 Lenore: task of self care to keep ourselves energized and regenerated to be able to engage. 442 00:52:11.950 --> 00:52:16.240 Lenore: I've already mentioned the crime, death and destruction report, but also our phones. 443 00:52:16.630 --> 00:52:24.599 Lenore: You know they've been called a tool of weapon of mass destruction. And I absolutely agree. 444 00:52:25.100 --> 00:52:34.929 Lenore: So if we are, you know, constantly letting your notification settings on your phone are a really important thing. If you haven't noticed already. 445 00:52:35.970 --> 00:52:40.329 Lenore: turn them off, unless there's a really good reason to have them on 446 00:52:40.590 --> 00:52:45.110 Lenore: distracts. Your attention, grabs your attention all the time. That's what it's designed to do. 447 00:52:46.650 --> 00:52:49.420 Lenore: Okay? So that's quadrant 3 quadrant 4 448 00:52:49.860 --> 00:52:58.559 Lenore: is low, low. So low mindfulness and low, seeing I'm not taking notice of anything, and I don't even know that I'm not taking. I don't even know that I don't know 449 00:52:59.130 --> 00:53:02.550 Lenore: Just before the referendum 450 00:53:02.630 --> 00:53:08.909 Lenore: there was a some I couldn't even tell you what the name of them are, because I'm not hip enough. But there were 451 00:53:08.990 --> 00:53:23.910 Lenore: some bands that were putting on a concert in Shepparton in Victoria. It was the idea was to raise awareness and and enthusiasm from young people to vote. Yes, at the referendum. 452 00:53:24.740 --> 00:53:43.870 Lenore: and one of the journals from the Guardian went along, and she was interviewing people who were at this music festival. And so she's interviewing this young woman. She's 26 years old, and she says she, the interviewer says to her, so you know, shelly. What do you think of the voice? 453 00:53:44.700 --> 00:53:48.610 Lenore: And Shelley says. oh, what the TV show. 454 00:53:49.700 --> 00:53:53.639 Lenore: She thought she was talking. She didn't know there was a referendum on. 455 00:53:53.960 --> 00:54:01.270 Lenore: She didn't even know what the voice was. So that's what we're talking about here. I don't even know that I'm not aware 456 00:54:05.560 --> 00:54:07.250 Lenore: what's that? 457 00:54:11.210 --> 00:54:14.979 Lenore: So it's blindness. It's and and blindness can be unkindness. 458 00:54:16.310 --> 00:54:22.819 Lenore: It's more pleasant than the mindless, seeing where I'm just understandingly seeing everything. 459 00:54:24.020 --> 00:54:26.519 Lenore: But it's also potentially more harmful 460 00:54:26.840 --> 00:54:30.919 Lenore: because not just to ourselves, but to others. Because we're 461 00:54:31.130 --> 00:54:34.260 Lenore: unknowingly contributing to the harm. Or we might be. 462 00:54:35.610 --> 00:54:39.400 Lenore: We're allowing that clear field of play verb. 463 00:54:40.500 --> 00:54:48.140 Lenore: the reactivity, reactivity and suffering to continue because we're just not even involved at all, not even taking any notice. 464 00:54:49.610 --> 00:54:53.520 Lenore: So this is the land of the the old couple 465 00:54:53.790 --> 00:55:06.289 Lenore: who don't care about anything. although they probably would have to go. There's a little bit of mindfulness about the fact that they're not seeing, so they'd probably be in the top of that for me and Bottom quadrant there. 466 00:55:07.360 --> 00:55:12.870 Lenore: So you know, here, we're surely neglecting our opportunities to be peaceful warriors in the world. 467 00:55:14.700 --> 00:55:15.830 Lenore: So 468 00:55:16.020 --> 00:55:27.570 Lenore: what I would. Well, actually, there's there's another step to this which is then, once we've identified, that is to say, well, how do we decide what to engage with 469 00:55:28.300 --> 00:55:33.029 Lenore: and we can have a bit of a discussion about that if we have time. But 470 00:55:34.240 --> 00:55:36.069 Lenore: first of all, let's have 471 00:55:36.680 --> 00:55:41.339 Lenore: thoughts, questions, insights about what you've got there. 472 00:55:41.470 --> 00:55:49.640 Lenore: And was there anything that I missed in terms of the kinds of issues that arose in any of the quadrants. 473 00:55:50.490 --> 00:55:52.780 Lenore: and did it reveal anything to you? 474 00:56:01.210 --> 00:56:03.319 Lenore: Thanks for letting us be guinea pigs? 475 00:56:03.390 --> 00:56:16.670 Lenore: just a couple of quick points. Think there's there's a dimension about finite time available. 476 00:56:16.990 --> 00:56:23.700 Lenore: you know. If you read Oliver Berkeley, his book was about this 4,000 weeks. 477 00:56:24.180 --> 00:56:33.319 Lenore: You think we've got on average lifespan 4,000 weeks to fill it, and if you start filling it up with everything. And so I mean, he, you know, does a lot of time management stuff, and says. 478 00:56:33.600 --> 00:56:38.590 Lenore: Really, if you're passionate, about dozen things, try and just pick 2 479 00:56:38.670 --> 00:56:43.850 Lenore: and and go well with those which I think relates to 480 00:56:43.920 --> 00:56:46.419 Lenore: Winston's point about in in intensity. 481 00:56:46.700 --> 00:56:52.950 Lenore: And the other dimension to the time is is energy. 482 00:56:53.270 --> 00:56:56.580 Lenore: So it's 483 00:56:56.610 --> 00:57:10.079 Lenore: when you talk about. Well, where do you spend your time, and what grabs your attention? I think it is mixed up in time and energy. And your your emotions, can chew up a whole lot of energy 484 00:57:10.230 --> 00:57:26.400 Lenore: and then deflate the remaining time for you to go deeper. And and you're right in terms of devices and modern media it. The the algorithms are so well designed. Now 485 00:57:26.420 --> 00:57:31.180 Lenore: they want to grab your attention once once you're there, they want to keep on grabbing your attention. 486 00:57:31.390 --> 00:57:39.389 Lenore: So whilst the younger cohort in our population may be getting their news from 487 00:57:39.570 --> 00:57:41.670 Lenore: Facebook, Tik tok whatever. 488 00:57:42.720 --> 00:57:47.719 Lenore: if all age groups are starting to, or have been for some time 489 00:57:47.770 --> 00:57:53.360 Lenore: accessing the general news media, using devices 490 00:57:53.690 --> 00:58:03.540 Lenore: where the settings may not be, have the privacy settings in there that that even the ABC. Can know what you're looking at and start pushing 491 00:58:03.700 --> 00:58:07.589 Lenore: other stories into you before you even get off reading the news headlines 492 00:58:08.230 --> 00:58:11.970 Lenore: and the other trick, I think around the news headlines is 493 00:58:12.270 --> 00:58:26.849 Lenore: once upon a time, you know, you would read it in the afternoon newspaper or the morning newspaper and watch the 5, 6, or 70'clock news service, which goes a little bit more depth. 494 00:58:27.410 --> 00:58:40.150 Lenore: Now you can get a headline like any time of the day, and it keeps on getting added to add it to added to, and it builds up the whole day. That's what. Chews up your time and can choose. Chew up your energy. 495 00:58:40.620 --> 00:58:44.400 Lenore: If you're not disciplined enough to turn those devices off 496 00:58:44.650 --> 00:58:51.109 Lenore: and be mindful of your energy, ability as well as your time ability. 497 00:58:52.520 --> 00:58:54.830 Lenore: Agree, John, and I think that's part of 498 00:58:54.960 --> 00:58:57.189 Lenore: guess what I'm trying to highlight here is 499 00:58:58.000 --> 00:59:13.820 Lenore: if we're being mindful about this, and we might say, Hey, I've got to shift a bunch of issues out of this box into this box because it's draining me. And I'm not getting. I'm not being able to harness my skills and energy and attention and care and 500 00:59:14.110 --> 00:59:20.629 Lenore: and time to help with anything, because I'm so busy 501 00:59:20.820 --> 00:59:24.310 Lenore: taking it all in and being exhausted by it. Yeah. 502 00:59:28.960 --> 00:59:36.280 Lenore: as as I look at this one way of describing what it is, is it describes my world. 503 00:59:37.720 --> 00:59:41.390 Lenore: And so I was reflecting that really for this 504 00:59:41.590 --> 00:59:50.989 Lenore: to be fully helpful. You also need the other 2 layers that you were talking about, where you're interests and preoccupations in your own life. 505 00:59:51.760 --> 00:59:57.340 Lenore: Are also there on the page and the clash or the the 506 00:59:57.720 --> 01:00:09.740 Lenore: the the tug. For time between those and these big public things is, I think, much more important than the tug between different begin big public things. 507 01:00:09.790 --> 01:00:18.499 Lenore: It's much more important is, are you rooted in your family, your community, yourself, and your own interests? And yes, you've got 20%, and 508 01:00:18.670 --> 01:00:21.970 Lenore: it's spread in different ways. But 509 01:00:22.510 --> 01:00:27.759 Lenore: if you have the same spread, but it's 80%, not 20%, then you're in deep trouble. 510 01:00:28.710 --> 01:00:32.510 Lenore: Yeah. And your recovery process is going to be a lot 511 01:00:32.750 --> 01:00:43.930 Lenore: longer. Yeah, yeah, no. Agree. Just remember, this is, we're just looking here. And I understand? Yeah, I understand. But I was looking at that and thinking, does this define my world? And then I thought of people I know 512 01:00:43.950 --> 01:00:44.980 Lenore: who've got 513 01:00:45.270 --> 01:00:50.929 Lenore: good consciences and are involved in things, but they don't take their time in on any of these things. Yeah. 514 01:00:51.940 --> 01:00:55.740 Lenore: Their interest is in their art, their family, their community 515 01:00:55.770 --> 01:01:04.159 Lenore: their particular interests. And yes, they're out there marching for refugees or whatever. But it doesn't come up as a major issue until the moment comes. 516 01:01:04.810 --> 01:01:08.950 Lenore: And so they are rooted differently. 517 01:01:09.430 --> 01:01:31.070 Lenore: Yeah, I mean, it'd be interesting to speak to those people and see whether they're or the extent to which they are engaging in the world in crisis, because we all that's right. That's right. They might not be enough, you know. Really they might not be. But I can think of people who are and who I actually esteem because they're truly rooted in their own lives. And yes, they do spend time out here. 518 01:01:31.170 --> 01:01:35.170 Lenore: but it's their root in their own lives. That is the most important. 519 01:01:35.290 --> 01:01:46.359 Lenore: gets the most time, and also gives the most energy to what they do in the public sphere. Yeah, we'll actually have a look a bit at a bit at that tomorrow. But that's very good. 520 01:01:48.500 --> 01:02:07.669 Lenore: Hi! Judy! Here, A bit tongue in cheek, but you. You can gain some efficiencies, I think, with the Australian media, etc. If you put sport in the top left hand, quadrant number 2, and anything to do with betting as well. So 521 01:02:07.670 --> 01:02:19.720 Lenore: I also think sometime, and I mean in practice, how it works. There might be a new headline or a new incident that you might look at that to think, oh, who's being impacted by that? And then 522 01:02:19.750 --> 01:02:37.529 Lenore: you you don't look at it again, so you you might look at the tsunami in Indonesia to get a sense of what's happened to them, you know, and or you might look at what's going on in a regional area. You know I live in the city, but what's happening in that region, and 523 01:02:37.620 --> 01:02:41.599 Lenore: and you may not want to hear them describe their devastation. But 524 01:02:41.690 --> 01:02:50.589 Lenore: just an initial. What's what's happened to them and get a sense of it. So then you switch off. So I guess I mean, I know this is sort of a 525 01:02:50.830 --> 01:02:57.230 Lenore: a tool as a starting point, but I guess in practical ways we we're probably trying to manage that 526 01:02:57.270 --> 01:03:09.979 Lenore: all the time in terms of what we're paying attention to, and not but we do get sucked in, you know, or you keep following that story. Probably you know the fifth time that you shouldn't have, you know. 527 01:03:10.060 --> 01:03:15.449 Lenore: Yeah, I think you raise a good point, Judy, about. So there's the issue of Do I pay attention, or do I not? 528 01:03:15.540 --> 01:03:34.009 Lenore: Then, once we've decided, okay, yes, I will pay attention to this is the next one is in how much detail. So a really interesting thing I'd be interested in people's views on is, you know, I don't know if you picked it up, but I said sometimes in Quadrant one it might be. I'm looking at something 529 01:03:34.050 --> 01:03:38.439 Lenore: because I feel I should at least know the basics about it, just to be a good citizen. 530 01:03:39.100 --> 01:03:41.349 Lenore: And II haven't really 531 01:03:41.910 --> 01:03:48.390 Lenore: haven't really investigated that, you know. What does it mean to be a good citizen? And do I, for example? 532 01:03:48.900 --> 01:03:56.520 Lenore: Okay, so the Israel Palestine thing is one of those for me, you know. It has nothing like. I'm not involved in it in any way. 533 01:03:56.620 --> 01:04:00.670 Lenore: but I have this sense that to be a good citizen, I should at least know what's going on. 534 01:04:01.000 --> 01:04:18.580 Lenore: and I don't know if that's right, and it might be who like also who's written the story. I mean, you know, in terms of your judgment about who's written the story. And is this someone you should be paying attention to because they have some level of authority or experience. 535 01:04:18.760 --> 01:04:28.020 Lenore: You know, what are your trusted media sources? You mentioned the Guardian, for example? Yeah, yeah, definitely. 536 01:04:28.600 --> 01:04:38.010 Lenore: yeah, there's the issue of how much so that tsunami thing in Indonesia, you know. Yes, I think you know, know that it's going on. Know if there's people collecting money around what the hell that's for. 537 01:04:38.090 --> 01:04:44.530 Lenore: But my thing was okay. The level of detail, of watching, actually 538 01:04:44.540 --> 01:04:49.269 Lenore: people screaming and running for their lives with a tidal wave coming. 539 01:04:50.000 --> 01:04:52.790 Lenore: Is that skillful for me to watch that? 540 01:04:53.390 --> 01:04:58.970 Lenore: And I decided it wasn't. I don't think there's any good at all that could come from that for me. 541 01:04:59.030 --> 01:05:01.979 Lenore: Yeah, I think we all have to decide when we turn off. Yeah. 542 01:05:02.940 --> 01:05:07.470 Lenore: Hmm, well, but I think it's good that I knew that was happening. 543 01:05:08.020 --> 01:05:09.679 Lenore: Give some money or whatever. 544 01:05:12.320 --> 01:05:22.700 Lenore: Ii agree with you on that. That there's some things I feel I need to know about just to be informed what's going on in the world. But I don't want to know any details. 545 01:05:23.120 --> 01:05:24.810 Lenore: And 546 01:05:26.730 --> 01:05:43.609 Lenore: 11 years ago my husband and I decided we weren't gonna have a television in the house anymore. And the longer we don't have TV, the more grateful we are that we don't have TV, that we get our news through. Looking online at 547 01:05:43.680 --> 01:05:48.299 Lenore: reputable news sources and follow the 548 01:05:48.360 --> 01:06:14.610 Lenore: headlines that we want. But the other advantage of not having TV overwhelming advantage is is sorry the the bloody adverts. You know, we're free from so much advertising and the advertising industry. You you're just tracked by it. And so by not having TV. We minimize. 549 01:06:15.080 --> 01:06:20.629 Lenore: I'll exposure to adverts. And I think that's as important 550 01:06:20.670 --> 01:06:44.080 Lenore: as minimizing your exposure to all this horrible stuff that's going on, that you can't do anything about that just kind of brings you down. I think you have to be very deserting. These are the issues that are important to me. This is what I'm gonna get involved in, and the rest I'm happy to know a little bit about, but not too much detail, because it just distracts. 551 01:06:44.720 --> 01:06:47.059 Lenore: Yep agree with that, Carol. 552 01:06:47.790 --> 01:06:56.469 Lenore: One of the things that I find interesting about what what was in my quadrants was very much reflected, I think, by how, what we 553 01:06:56.620 --> 01:07:18.410 Lenore: potentially some. Well, you know, I should only speak for myself. But you know what you prioritize is is what the news cycle prioritizes, as in, you know. So the war in Ukraine was very much front of mind, but was displaced by the war in Palestine. So that went from my my top right to my top left. You know, I was just thinking about that also in relation to the plight of the Uighurs. I mean 554 01:07:18.520 --> 01:07:20.850 Lenore: that that's very 555 01:07:20.870 --> 01:07:46.319 Lenore: present in the News Cycle, when there was a 4 corners story about it, which was an extremely well made program which documented the the plight of one particular family as a as a sort of microcosm of the appalling situation happening there. But you know it's it's virtually vanished from the news cycle, as far as I'm aware. So so I'm just. I'm aware that in my my sort of placing of things in the Quadrant. 556 01:07:46.920 --> 01:07:50.580 Lenore: it's it's sort of a response, in a way to 557 01:07:50.820 --> 01:07:53.340 Lenore: how? How? What I 558 01:07:54.150 --> 01:07:59.030 Lenore: prioritizes manipulated by the news cycle. Yeah. Yeah. 559 01:07:59.530 --> 01:08:00.320 Lenore: Yep. 560 01:08:03.360 --> 01:08:05.729 Lenore: Back to your point, Carol. About the advertising. 561 01:08:06.020 --> 01:08:12.779 Lenore: Was it Stephen this morning who said, 562 01:08:13.840 --> 01:08:18.160 Lenore: you know a lot of or not might have been Winton, anyway? 563 01:08:18.310 --> 01:08:28.200 Lenore: the the whole, you know. Consumption thing is is premised on the idea that we want more, and we want more, and we want more. And we're not happy unless we have this stuff. 564 01:08:28.540 --> 01:08:37.900 Lenore: this whole, you know, Fomo, almost so general, generating this desire for stuff that we don't need. And I've found the same. I watch very little 565 01:08:38.109 --> 01:08:47.659 Lenore: actual, you know, TV that has ads in it. So I use streaming services usually, if I'm going to watch anything that you know, if you pay for them, then you don't have to watch ads. 566 01:08:48.080 --> 01:08:52.149 Lenore: because I think it's only in the last 100 years or so that we've 567 01:08:52.210 --> 01:09:09.490 Lenore: mankind has managed to produce more stuff than it actually needs. And so you got to get the production machinery happening. So how do you get rid of all the excess stuff you you market it, and you advertise it, and you create new wants. 568 01:09:09.680 --> 01:09:12.539 Lenore: And then you say to people, you deserve it. 569 01:09:12.899 --> 01:09:17.619 Lenore: And it's kind of like, you know, it's just this machinery for this. 570 01:09:17.830 --> 01:09:46.439 Lenore: The story of stuff making stuff, using it and getting it done to landfill as quickly as you can to generate profit and you know, just. And it just works against contentment, which is what we're and it works against the environment. It works. So I just have one more thought. I'm sorry I speak too much, I know, but the other thing that that I think is really pertinent is this addiction to games. 571 01:09:46.779 --> 01:09:49.129 Lenore: and is such a time waster. 572 01:09:49.180 --> 01:10:10.220 Lenore: and so I actually destroyed my ipad because I had games. 573 01:10:10.220 --> 01:10:19.980 Lenore: But everybody I know has addiction to some sort of game hours and hours on games anyway. Sorry 574 01:10:19.980 --> 01:10:22.339 Lenore: do we have someone on 575 01:10:22.340 --> 01:10:33.869 Lenore: Tessa? I just wanted to carry on that combo that the you know, not having a TV and not being subject to the ads. I think. I don't know if it's 576 01:10:33.920 --> 01:10:38.060 Lenore: if everyone in this space is is engaged in it. But 577 01:10:38.150 --> 01:10:39.220 Lenore: the 578 01:10:39.260 --> 01:10:45.500 Lenore: the the adverts adverts on television are very benign compared to what's happening on social media 579 01:10:45.600 --> 01:10:46.700 Lenore: and 580 01:10:46.820 --> 01:10:51.480 Lenore: people. You know, my age and younger are consuming 581 01:10:51.710 --> 01:11:19.870 Lenore: a very large amount of their news on social media, as you said. And the way you know, Tiktok or Youtube, or you know, I'm Instagram is my drug of choice. The way they work is that algorithms target you more of what you're interested in. Right? And not only that, but of course, phones are listening to. You know, whatever you're talking about. So if you discuss a need for a certain thing or an interest in a topic, those ads will then be personalized. 582 01:11:20.180 --> 01:11:27.600 Lenore: And this is, you know, if you haven't seen like the social network. Or maybe this is something because I'm more on that sort of 583 01:11:27.710 --> 01:11:46.970 Lenore: world of social media. But that that targeting or personal personalization of not just ads, but interests. serves to really polarize people into little. There's there's a deeper danger than just buying stuff. It's buying your ideas and your opinions now. So that's 584 01:11:47.350 --> 01:11:54.979 Lenore: and your vote exactly. And I think that's a you know, even I don't know if it's exactly related to this. But 585 01:11:55.060 --> 01:12:04.139 Lenore: I just think that's such an important conversation as well, or to be aware of is, that's what's actually going on now for anyone who's on those medias. 586 01:12:04.200 --> 01:12:12.079 Lenore: But I also was thinking in response to is it? Go, goia, Gowen. Thank you. 587 01:12:12.750 --> 01:12:20.690 Lenore: I'm really interested in what you said as well, because I find that there's a almost a danger of 588 01:12:21.490 --> 01:12:44.429 Lenore: my brain, you know the the polarization of the the global issues. And then the local rootedness, or the was the word that really struck me with what you used. And I I've heard this slogan now where we want to care global and act local. And I think there's an interesting balance between 589 01:12:44.740 --> 01:12:47.809 Lenore: that acting local and 590 01:12:48.130 --> 01:13:14.970 Lenore: what I fear or what I you know, perceive is when people become too invested in self-interests, or too invested in only the inner circle and not the outer circle, and that being, you know, one end of this spectrum, and then the other end of the spectrum is being, you know, trying to spend all your time fighting for you know Palestinian freedom where the reality is, you'd probably be better off planting your nature strip, or 591 01:13:14.970 --> 01:13:25.529 Lenore: you know, there's it's a one of those middle way things that I'm I'm in. Yeah, it's interesting. 592 01:13:26.930 --> 01:13:42.490 Lenore: My, my thought was that doing what Lenore asked us to do? And it was the public level. So that was what we were looking at, but I looked at it, and I thought, Yes, I know lots of people who spend all their time at this level. 593 01:13:42.600 --> 01:13:48.759 Lenore: and I know some other people who spend quite a lot of time at the other level, and they are so refreshing. 594 01:13:50.030 --> 01:14:07.319 Lenore: and they're refreshing because it feels more authentic, more individual, more related to their personal circumstances, not in any selfish way or self-centered way, but that's the ground it grows from, and when I see 595 01:14:07.340 --> 01:14:13.410 Lenore: it growing from their ground. Then it's a different kind of flower than the one that grows out of the Guardian, or 596 01:14:13.680 --> 01:14:15.979 Lenore: whatever you know, we'll read the Guardian. 597 01:14:16.320 --> 01:14:23.220 Lenore: I said. You. Have you read this thing in the Guardian, and you say yes, and then we both know what it says on the same response to it. 598 01:14:23.240 --> 01:14:33.920 Lenore: and in the end. It's tedious, even though it's virtuous, whereas someone who's thought about something and come at it from a different angle from their locality. Perhaps. 599 01:14:34.260 --> 01:14:36.430 Lenore: It's fresh 600 01:14:37.080 --> 01:14:43.649 Lenore: that that was all. I but and I entirely agree, though, about the balance, and if you never go outside your front gate, then you're in trouble. 601 01:14:44.140 --> 01:14:49.059 Lenore: maybe, or maybe you're happy. I don't know. Or maybe you have a big garden. 602 01:14:50.320 --> 01:14:51.290 Thank you. 603 01:14:51.500 --> 01:14:54.230 Lenore: Can we have Leanne online if you're ready first, Leanne? 604 01:14:54.490 --> 01:14:58.429 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): Yes, thank you. Thanks, Lenori. That was the great process. 605 01:14:58.680 --> 01:15:10.060 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): Yes, very insightful. And it's generate, sir. More questions, because. interestingly. 606 01:15:10.590 --> 01:15:13.530 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): everything was in the top. 607 01:15:14.560 --> 01:15:17.460 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): the quadrant, one and quadrant 2. 608 01:15:17.760 --> 01:15:18.900 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): And 609 01:15:18.920 --> 01:15:25.600 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I noticed that there was this liquidity between Quadrant One and Quadrant 2, 610 01:15:25.830 --> 01:15:29.879 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): for probably some of the reasons that you've already described. 611 01:15:30.480 --> 01:15:36.119 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): But then I sort of wanted. I asked myself the question, so why is it the case 612 01:15:36.340 --> 01:15:38.600 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): that I 613 01:15:39.160 --> 01:15:48.129 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): that quadrant 3 notes, that one without no guards at the entrance to the Stentorium. So in actual fact, I do have good guards 614 01:15:48.280 --> 01:15:52.170 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): at the entrance to the sensorium. and I 615 01:15:52.330 --> 01:15:57.050 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): yes, that I was thinking about this when you were talking about your experience with them. 616 01:15:57.100 --> 01:16:02.120 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): The coach who was making the noise and disruption 617 01:16:02.520 --> 01:16:07.030 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): for 8 years, as I mentioned. I've been living in a van in public space. 618 01:16:08.240 --> 01:16:11.370 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I'm a very different person as a result of that. 619 01:16:11.570 --> 01:16:17.379 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): And one of the things that's happened is. I've I've developed incredible tolerance. 620 01:16:22.120 --> 01:16:28.540 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I just got go on. Yep, we can hear you. Sorry. This. I just got a message which is confused me. 621 01:16:29.460 --> 01:16:31.260 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): II 622 01:16:31.350 --> 01:16:36.770 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): yeah, I've been developed incredible tolerance. And I've actually had to learn to 623 01:16:37.270 --> 01:16:43.230 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): not get irritated by what other people are doing in public space, for one thing. 624 01:16:43.410 --> 01:16:55.490 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): and I've developed, I guess, strategies to to deal with that, including you know, discriminating. If I'm going to 625 01:16:55.520 --> 01:16:58.280 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): interact with other people or not, for instance. 626 01:16:58.390 --> 01:17:03.480 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): or just packing, or just yes, right, or just packing up and driving somewhere else. 627 01:17:03.680 --> 01:17:04.840 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): and 628 01:17:04.900 --> 01:17:11.069 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): and but getting back to the point of asking the question. Well, why was it? 629 01:17:11.110 --> 01:17:17.150 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): Why were the top 2 boxes where everything sort of fell? 630 01:17:17.400 --> 01:17:21.720 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I don't do social media. I don't do 631 01:17:21.850 --> 01:17:24.850 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I don't have a television. I don't even have a washing machine. 632 01:17:24.890 --> 01:17:29.130 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I don't, of course, have any of those things, because I live in a van. 633 01:17:29.740 --> 01:17:31.490 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): So 634 01:17:32.810 --> 01:17:40.539 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I guess the way that I lived out of as a response to causes and conditions 635 01:17:40.870 --> 01:17:41.640 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): has 636 01:17:42.080 --> 01:17:48.820 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): generated a very interesting path and way of life with regards to 637 01:17:48.930 --> 01:17:56.820 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): the fact that I have a lot of mindfulness. I have a lot of awareness. According to this exercise. 638 01:17:57.110 --> 01:18:06.670 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I'm seeing what's going on in the world around me. During covid I in in order to 639 01:18:06.740 --> 01:18:18.020 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): to stay connected because I'm a single woman living in a van. I went on line, and I did dharma and inquiry and insight, dialogue things. 640 01:18:18.030 --> 01:18:27.790 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): and I was connected internationally all over the world, and that was such a blessing. So my whole world opened up during Covid, as a result of the 641 01:18:28.000 --> 01:18:36.719 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): the technology in the Zoom to be able to connect internationally, and so to hear first hand from deep inquiry 642 01:18:37.100 --> 01:18:43.310 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): in you know, obviously. places that were 643 01:18:44.400 --> 01:19:01.809 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): that were considered to be safe places where people could really share from a very, very deep place, and we're sharing from a very, very deep place through, of course, particular processes like insight, dialogue and and and and other things 644 01:19:01.830 --> 01:19:05.540 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): that are all dharma that, you know, have a Dharma foundation. 645 01:19:06.050 --> 01:19:08.930 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): though I guess in summary 646 01:19:08.970 --> 01:19:11.650 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): it was a great process. 647 01:19:11.770 --> 01:19:14.800 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): and its generating more and more 648 01:19:14.930 --> 01:19:16.480 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): inquiry. 649 01:19:16.670 --> 01:19:29.899 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): As to why, things did land where they did, and it was the it was like it was the surprise actually. And it's given a lot of confidence. 650 01:19:29.920 --> 01:19:36.190 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): I think, with regards to how I'm living life and and and 651 01:19:36.200 --> 01:19:43.520 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): and how one is coping in this world crisis. But thank you. Yeah, good. Thank you. 652 01:19:46.860 --> 01:19:47.550 Well. 653 01:19:49.200 --> 01:19:50.780 Lenore: okay, 654 01:19:52.020 --> 01:19:58.850 Lenore: just thinking about mindfulness and compassion, particularly if you've got a lot of things that you're 655 01:19:59.370 --> 01:20:03.039 Lenore: not wanting to turn off in the quadrant one 656 01:20:03.230 --> 01:20:11.630 Lenore: Also feeling at times the impotence, impotence of not being able to do anything. 657 01:20:11.820 --> 01:20:15.270 Lenore: One of one of the strategies 658 01:20:15.320 --> 01:20:23.669 Lenore: that I just shared with it. that that I use, which to try and mitigate, that when it looks like it's getting full or overfull. 659 01:20:24.020 --> 01:20:27.049 Lenore: is to 660 01:20:27.180 --> 01:20:31.129 Lenore: still have the practice of not only mindfulness, base 661 01:20:31.230 --> 01:20:34.070 Lenore: meditation, but also daily prayer. 662 01:20:34.430 --> 01:20:37.710 Lenore: so I can gather up the concerns 663 01:20:37.910 --> 01:20:43.889 Lenore: and the empathy towards people in difficult circumstances, whether they be in the neighborhood. 664 01:20:44.150 --> 01:20:47.590 Lenore: in the state, in the nation, or overseas. 665 01:20:47.690 --> 01:20:54.229 Lenore: and and and pray for them, or do a loving-kindness meditation. 666 01:20:54.780 --> 01:21:02.300 Lenore: not as a way of trying to trick myself, that then I think I care. But you can still hold people 667 01:21:02.750 --> 01:21:13.069 Lenore: in your mindfulness and in your prayers, even though there's not anything you can do necessarily today, or even the next day. 668 01:21:13.200 --> 01:21:21.709 Lenore: I thought that about the issue of hope that came up earlier as well, I thought, when I have no control, and it's completely out of my hands. 669 01:21:22.280 --> 01:21:32.750 Lenore: But I can still hope that you know the outcome is good for those people for that. That's probably the only time at Hope matters to me. 670 01:21:37.330 --> 01:21:39.080 Lenore: Did anyone 671 01:21:39.530 --> 01:21:45.380 Lenore: look at it and go? Hmm! I need to shift some things, or I have too much here or too much. There. 672 01:21:47.950 --> 01:21:50.060 Lenore: Were there any surprises? 673 01:21:50.740 --> 01:21:56.600 Lenore: we we just heard about one surprise. But did anyone else have any anything that surprised them. 674 01:22:05.150 --> 01:22:16.180 Lenore: Yeah, I'll jump in here like maybe not surprises per se, but things that perhaps I'd want to actively reorientate on, and I was kind of going. If this is a work in pro process. 675 01:22:16.330 --> 01:22:27.300 Lenore: what would it look like to add? Like a third dimension or a third access to this I'm really interested in. And Daniel Schmattinberger's Awareness Agency mismatch that's going on. And part of that becomes 676 01:22:27.300 --> 01:22:50.040 Lenore: high awareness of issues that are occurring and then low ability to act in that. And so there's a mismatch that occurs. And evolutionarily we're designed to be to take in information locally and act locally. You know, we we know of conditions within our environment, we act in that space. And so there's been a bias towards that. And now we're being exposed to masses of information that we can't actually 677 01:22:50.090 --> 01:23:01.179 Lenore: on. And so that is a large part of the oval. So I was just trying to overlay kind of a three-dimensional. What would it look like if we lifted that up? And it was like agency sitting over the top of this and looking for like, where are the peaks 678 01:23:01.180 --> 01:23:21.430 Lenore: that I want to actually attend to and go? Well, that's a good place for me to stay highly engaged and highly aware and be acting in that space and the other stuff, perhaps, that I need to drop away because it's a mismatch. And so, therefore it's just out of pure entertainment or interest. Yeah, that's a really good point. And, in fact, that is exactly one of the reasons that some of my 679 01:23:21.580 --> 01:23:23.800 Lenore: issues get slid from 680 01:23:24.530 --> 01:23:31.289 Lenore: quadrant one to Quadrant, because I don't have any agency. I don't. There's nothing I can do reasonably 681 01:23:32.380 --> 01:23:35.340 Lenore: so. And, in fact. that's the time. 682 01:23:37.270 --> 01:23:42.240 Lenore: What time do we finish 990'clock? We got 2 min. So the next little 683 01:23:42.750 --> 01:23:47.080 Lenore: do you want to jump in? Do the next bit? Because that's actually we're going to look at that, and we've got another question. 684 01:23:47.480 --> 01:23:48.570 Ask you a question. 685 01:23:50.300 --> 01:24:02.130 Lenore: I know I didn't. Nothing surprising. It was more that I just need to use more discernment right in in Quadrant 3. I feel, okay. Good. That was all. 686 01:24:02.690 --> 01:24:06.009 Lenore: That's a good insight. I mean, that's an important insight, I think. 687 01:24:09.010 --> 01:24:19.310 Lenore: So that the other thing that I was going to do, which is what you highlighter is needed for is just to go. Well, okay, if this is where my current attention is, how do I decide what to engage with one thing is to pay attention. 688 01:24:20.010 --> 01:24:28.190 Lenore: another is well out of those. Where should I spend my energy, my ethical, most peaceful warrior energy. 689 01:24:28.440 --> 01:24:33.650 Lenore: Because again, if we try to spread that too thin and across too many things. 690 01:24:34.240 --> 01:24:38.420 Lenore: we can probably be aware of more things than we can engage in. 691 01:24:38.850 --> 01:24:43.499 Lenore: So we need to be even more discerning when we decide to 692 01:24:44.800 --> 01:24:46.030 Lenore: get involved. 693 01:24:46.680 --> 01:24:49.400 Lenore: So grab your highlighter in your pen. 694 01:24:56.040 --> 01:25:03.500 Lenore: So in terms of deciding. Well, what am I? There was some. We had a new person come to our Sanger a few weeks ago, and we got talking about this, and she said. 695 01:25:03.830 --> 01:25:12.070 Lenore: Yep, I've got my 2 things that I do, and she I can't remember what they were to you know, causes that she devotes her attention to. 696 01:25:12.140 --> 01:25:14.349 Lenore: and she said, I do those, and that's it. 697 01:25:16.140 --> 01:25:23.659 Lenore: And and I thought, Well, that's exactly kind of what we need to do if we want to stay. 698 01:25:24.000 --> 01:25:25.700 Lenore: if we want it to be sustainable 699 01:25:26.440 --> 01:25:28.819 Lenore: other than burning out. So first of all. 700 01:25:29.880 --> 01:25:36.780 Lenore: here's how well, here's how I go about it and feel free to sort of experiment and see how that works out for you. 701 01:25:37.250 --> 01:25:45.009 Lenore: So my willingness to engage past the level of just seeing, just paying attention to depends on the following things. First of all, I can do something at all. 702 01:25:46.530 --> 01:25:53.500 Lenore: So if there's if that something is within my control. and it doesn't take a lot of time and resources. Then I do it. 703 01:25:54.870 --> 01:25:57.629 Lenore: Even if the impact isn't huge. 704 01:25:58.040 --> 01:26:14.760 Lenore: do it for the drops, you know many drops in a bucket effect. I do it for that ripple effect issue that we talked about with courage, that the more people in your world, you know. See people doing these things, helping these things, whatever the more they're likely to do it. 705 01:26:15.310 --> 01:26:18.150 Lenore: and for the sake of my own ethical credibility. 706 01:26:19.810 --> 01:26:30.480 Lenore: So you know, I that the espouse values versus values and action thing. You know, I for me the ethical credibility is where there's a very small gap between that 707 01:26:31.630 --> 01:26:38.070 Lenore: so highlight any that that fit that category so you could do something about it doesn't have to be big 708 01:26:39.740 --> 01:26:45.540 Lenore: and that it's in your control. You can do something that is in your control 709 01:26:47.510 --> 01:26:53.020 Lenore: and may not take a lot of time and resources. So just highlight that one. Now, those. 710 01:26:59.420 --> 01:27:01.670 Lenore: Okay? Then 711 01:27:03.840 --> 01:27:07.290 Lenore: I think about what can I do? That's likely to make 712 01:27:07.300 --> 01:27:11.880 Lenore: a difference and is a wise investment of my resources. 713 01:27:12.830 --> 01:27:16.380 Lenore: So resources, I mean skills, time, energy, money. 714 01:27:16.450 --> 01:27:17.500 Lenore: attention. 715 01:27:18.630 --> 01:27:25.090 Lenore: So by wise, I mean, of all the good that you could do is this the wisest place to devote your limited resources 716 01:27:26.780 --> 01:27:32.540 Lenore: if it doesn't take too much of my resources, or it's going to deliver a great bang for my helping Buck. 717 01:27:32.640 --> 01:27:33.930 Lenore: I'll attend to it 718 01:27:35.870 --> 01:27:39.310 Lenore: where I don't think I can make a difference. So that issue of agency. 719 01:27:39.830 --> 01:27:47.109 Lenore: or it's not a wise choice. After sufficient seeing for good citizenry as we were talking about earlier. I guard my senses. 720 01:27:47.190 --> 01:27:50.180 Lenore: I shifted out of the seeing books 721 01:27:53.050 --> 01:28:01.119 Lenore: so highlight any of these, if you haven't already, if you, if they're not already highlighted and put a star next to 722 01:28:01.810 --> 01:28:14.110 Lenore: any that also meet this criterion. So it's likely to make a difference. And it's a wise investment of your resources, your skills, your time, your energy, your money, your attention. 723 01:28:28.690 --> 01:28:32.639 Lenore: and put a star next to any in the category that we just talked about. 724 01:28:37.390 --> 01:28:41.069 Lenore: And thirdly. it's something I have energy for. 725 01:28:42.250 --> 01:28:46.550 Lenore: Put another star next to it. If it's something you've got energy for. 726 01:28:46.920 --> 01:28:49.600 Lenore: or put Asar or another star next to it. 727 01:29:21.580 --> 01:29:25.070 Lenore: Now, if there, if there are any that are highlighted 728 01:29:26.680 --> 01:29:29.569 Lenore: and they involve significant suffering. 729 01:29:30.770 --> 01:29:31.790 Lenore: circle it. 730 01:29:43.280 --> 01:29:50.280 Lenore: So these highlighted issues are the issues that are possibly the top candidates for your attentional bandwidth. 731 01:29:52.290 --> 01:30:01.259 Lenore: They're potentially the issues to which you could retreat if and when you and you notice you're getting within proximity of the overwhelm threshold. 732 01:30:03.200 --> 01:30:05.469 Lenore: and this and the circled issues 733 01:30:05.670 --> 01:30:08.249 Lenore: are also 734 01:30:08.670 --> 01:30:14.750 Lenore: these are offering themselves to you as the possible place around which to set up the guards for your sensorium 735 01:30:17.920 --> 01:30:19.760 Lenore: at least a starting point. 736 01:30:24.330 --> 01:30:29.260 Lenore: and those with a circle and a star are top candidates for your action. 737 01:30:35.660 --> 01:30:39.089 Lenore: Now, the only thing that I haven't included in that little 738 01:30:39.690 --> 01:30:41.360 Lenore: assessment process. 739 01:30:45.540 --> 01:30:47.240 Lenore: Sometimes 740 01:30:47.880 --> 01:30:53.569 Lenore: some of these might, if if we were to act on them, they might involve foregoing some kind of pleasure. 741 01:30:55.300 --> 01:31:02.330 Lenore: and so sometimes engaging ethically means foregoing a pleasure or a convenience, or something that you value. 742 01:31:04.390 --> 01:31:10.500 Lenore: So for me, for example, the thing I struggle with the most is air travel. 743 01:31:11.950 --> 01:31:16.669 Lenore: I love going to my world championship competitions. 744 01:31:17.030 --> 01:31:18.230 Lenore: and 745 01:31:18.340 --> 01:31:24.299 Lenore: for all sorts of reasons. They they bring all sorts. They tick all sorts of boxes in terms of 746 01:31:24.510 --> 01:31:27.839 Lenore: enjoyment of my life. 747 01:31:28.090 --> 01:31:30.169 Lenore: and I feel really torn about it. 748 01:31:30.230 --> 01:31:33.079 Lenore: because more often than not they're in Europe. 749 01:31:34.290 --> 01:31:41.539 Lenore: So if it's a pleasure that you would have trouble giving up. Put a P next to it. 750 01:32:05.760 --> 01:32:06.690 Lenore: so 751 01:32:07.000 --> 01:32:14.730 Lenore: maybe just to finish off. It might be worth just pairing up again, and having a little debrief on 752 01:32:14.930 --> 01:32:16.760 Lenore: on what you've got there. 753 01:32:17.460 --> 01:32:29.400 Lenore: Whether there are any issues you would like. You think maybe it would be helpful to move quadrants? Any that have a P next to them? What are the issues involved? There? 754 01:32:30.050 --> 01:32:32.950 Lenore: Are there any other ways you could fill those needs 755 01:32:34.250 --> 01:32:40.240 Lenore: for whatever kind of pleasure it is for me I keep thinking about. Well, you know. Are there other kind of 756 01:32:40.930 --> 01:32:46.819 Lenore: equally enjoyable things I could do that don't involve me. you know, going all the way to Europe 757 01:32:47.070 --> 01:32:50.000 Lenore: every year every second year. 758 01:32:50.140 --> 01:32:59.310 Lenore: And you know, with those ones, if they're important ones, if they're highlighted and and got their stars and and circles on them. 759 01:32:59.790 --> 01:33:08.970 Lenore: maybe discuss. You know, other other ways. You could even partially engage with those issues. So maybe find someone you haven't spoken with much yet on the retreat. 760 01:33:12.190 --> 01:33:17.850 Lenore: Oh, what time do we supposed to sit? 90'clock? That's all right. We got 8 min. 761 01:33:21.160 --> 01:33:45.710 Hall (Guy - Host): Hey, everyone! It's Guy, I'm just thinking, feel free to talk amongst yourselves. Anything you say at the moment isn't gonna come into the room here. So spend a few minutes chatting amongst yourselves, as Manor just suggested pretty much what's happening here. I won't break you out into rooms. I don't see much points feel free to have a chat. I'll sit here and listen but no one else in here 762 01:33:49.100 --> 01:33:50.460 Hall (Guy - Host): as well. 763 01:33:55.330 --> 01:34:37.940 Hall (Guy - Host): hi ryan, it's guy I think I just tried to communicate with you guys, but I might not have had the right button press. Did you hear me talking a moment ago? 764 01:34:38.040 --> 01:35:02.159 Hall (Guy - Host): Yes, we I did. Yeah, okay, no problem. It's fine guys. We've only got a few minutes before we get to the top of the hour. I thought I might just call out the end, let me change the video so you can see me. 765 01:35:02.220 --> 01:35:11.439 Hall (Guy - Host): yeah, Hi, I don't know if you remember, Leah, but I think we're on the same. 766 01:35:11.460 --> 01:35:37.999 Hall (Guy - Host): insight dialogue. 767 01:35:38.150 --> 01:36:02.949 Hall (Guy - Host): Yes, so much has happened since then. But yes, Hello, Guy, lovely to see you again, anyway, I'll I'll I'll let you guys talk amongst yourselves. I'm gonna be trying to man the desk for the next day or so. Alan is gonna pop out so it'll be me on the end of the firing line on the end of whatever 768 01:36:02.950 --> 01:36:14.080 Hall (Guy - Host): messages you want to send through. But I'll be doing everything all myself, so it might just be that I'm a little bit slow to respond at times. You know. I should probably let everyone know that when they're here 769 01:36:14.080 --> 01:36:22.570 Hall (Guy - Host): I'll let you be. Please talk amongst yourselves if you like, like, I said before, nothing you're saying at the moment is coming into the room. So yeah. 770 01:36:23.170 --> 01:36:28.730 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): enjoy. I'll be back. I'll be back at the end or back shortly. 771 01:36:29.060 --> 01:36:31.749 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): Yeah. Bye. 772 01:36:33.570 --> 01:36:35.980 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): does anyone want to say anything? 773 01:36:36.530 --> 01:36:38.829 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): How's everyone go to the big? 774 01:36:39.810 --> 01:36:42.299 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): It's it lies. 775 01:36:44.510 --> 01:36:45.420 then zoom 776 01:36:47.020 --> 01:36:48.630 alright and 777 01:36:53.550 --> 01:36:54.470 online. 778 01:37:00.390 --> 01:37:02.370 Lenore: Alright. So then. 779 01:37:11.990 --> 01:37:14.969 Lenore: here on the outside. 780 01:37:15.530 --> 01:37:17.229 be there at this time. But. 781 01:37:33.140 --> 01:37:41.759 Hall (Guy - Host): sorry, guys, I realized you had all the background noise coming from the room over, you guys. So fix that. 782 01:37:59.070 --> 01:38:01.730 Qingqing Beijing: though, dear friends, I'm a bit. 783 01:38:04.940 --> 01:38:18.999 Qingqing Beijing: I should say a bit puzzled, because if we all chat together to our friends in Brisbane, though there are 6 of them. So that's of it. So I don't know where to start and what we are. 784 01:38:22.020 --> 01:38:34.139 Qingqing Beijing: So, anyway, for from my side this exercise has been quite revealing, because most of issues Ranore listed are quite 785 01:38:35.250 --> 01:38:49.160 Qingqing Beijing: most of them for me. Most of them are in the Quadrant, too. So I have very few things on Quadrant one. and almost yeah. 786 01:38:50.380 --> 01:38:51.869 Qingqing Beijing: When there are 2 787 01:38:52.030 --> 01:39:06.100 Qingqing Beijing: in Quadrant. For, for for instance, the Australian referendum definitely, I didn't know anything. And before you talked about it I even didn't know. So that was happening. 788 01:39:07.670 --> 01:39:09.550 Qingqing Beijing: So that's reading it. 789 01:39:09.720 --> 01:39:11.650 Qingqing Beijing: Interesting, too. 790 01:39:12.010 --> 01:39:15.740 Qingqing Beijing: for me to to be aware how. 791 01:39:17.220 --> 01:39:20.730 Qingqing Beijing: Oh, the world, I perceive, is shaped 792 01:39:21.120 --> 01:39:23.259 Qingqing Beijing: by what's coming, ain't 793 01:39:25.400 --> 01:39:28.779 DiPelletier: I think that's a very wise thinking. 794 01:39:28.900 --> 01:39:34.199 DiPelletier: because we are overwhelmed here with with news. 795 01:39:34.490 --> 01:39:44.810 DiPelletier: and our understanding of the news in China is much more limited. So you, coming into these spaces. really reveals that to you 796 01:39:45.250 --> 01:39:49.099 DiPelletier: and I don't know what you do with that knowledge, but 797 01:39:49.510 --> 01:39:51.179 DiPelletier: what what we're given 798 01:39:51.190 --> 01:39:57.420 DiPelletier: in your country and our country are so completely different in these media on slots. 799 01:39:57.880 --> 01:40:02.570 DiPelletier: people talking here about television and 800 01:40:04.150 --> 01:40:13.870 DiPelletier: your television probably isn't as full of gambling ads as ours is at the minute. It's one of our big issues. And there's there's things that go on here that are quite 801 01:40:14.060 --> 01:40:24.820 DiPelletier: and think, I think, quite different than what goes on in Beijing. So you're getting a real world view doing this stuff online congratulations. 802 01:40:25.010 --> 01:40:30.010 DiPelletier: And the referendum was an extremely sad time for us here. 803 01:40:30.050 --> 01:40:36.910 DiPelletier: Mostly the group. I'm sure, that are sitting in that room and online. Most of us were very pro referendum. 804 01:40:37.380 --> 01:40:50.100 DiPelletier: and you know, I think it was one of the teachers mentioned the grief that we still feel. And but of course it's not an issue that's particularly important to to Chinese people in in China 805 01:40:50.320 --> 01:40:54.490 DiPelletier: here. They're more aware of it. Of course we have a large Chinese population. 806 01:40:55.350 --> 01:41:03.539 DiPelletier: and how engaged they are relates to how long they've been here, and what their understanding is. But am I still turned on. Oh, yes. 807 01:41:09.600 --> 01:41:13.070 Liane (Gumbaynggirr country): thank you, Dai, so I wish we had time to. 808 01:41:13.540 --> 01:41:18.519 Lenore: I wish we had time to share our insights in the larger group, because I'd love to hear them. But 809 01:41:19.840 --> 01:41:24.310 Lenore: tell me over coffee tomorrow, or whatever, if you, if you found that helpful 810 01:41:24.430 --> 01:41:36.819 Lenore: we need to move into the meditation. Now, can I just ask our friends online for my session tomorrow night you're going to need? A document, one page document which I will email to you when I go back to my room 811 01:41:37.040 --> 01:41:42.740 Lenore: after our meditation tonight. But if you can just check it and print it out before tomorrow night's session. 812 01:41:43.030 --> 01:41:44.309 Lenore: That would be great. 813 01:41:44.530 --> 01:41:47.339 Lenore: And you'll need highlighters for tomorrow as well. 814 01:41:48.810 --> 01:41:55.329 Lenore: Pardon. you don't need to just the people online. Yeah. 815 01:41:55.680 --> 01:41:59.180 Lenore: you can trust. Yeah. Hang on to trustee Highlighter for tomorrow. Yep.