Burbea, Ron. Resident teacher Gaia House England:. Book: Seeing that Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising. Also Dharma talks on Dharma Seeds
Chodron, Pema (2001). The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-Kindness, Shambhala Publications.
Gammage, Bill: The Biggest Estate on Earth; how Aborigines made Australia.
Hamilton, Sue. Early Buddhism: A new approach. The I of the beholder. A book about identity and perception in early Buddhism.
Krech, Gregg (2002). NAIKAN: Gratitude, Grace and the Japanese Art of Self-reflection. Stone Bridge Press, CA: USA.
Lewis, Marc (2015). The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction is Not a Disease. Scribe Publications, Carlton North, Australia.
Macy, Joanna, Buddhist scholar and Deep Ecologist
Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In without Going Crazy. New World Library, CA: USA.
World as Self, World as Lover
Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory
Thinking Like a Mountain
McCoy, Brian. F.: Holding Men; Kanyanimpa and the Health of Aboriginal Men.
Mishra, Pankaj (2005). An End to Suffering: The Buddha in the World. St Martin’s Press, NY: USA. Great read from an Indian perspective.
Neff, Kristin (2011). Self-compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind.
Nichtern, Ethan, Zen Buddhist teacher and author. Article: “Awake with Others”
Olds, Sharon
(2005). Selected Poems. Vintage Publishing, UK.
(2012). Stag’s Leap. Vintage Publishing, UK.
(1987). The Gold Cell. Alfred A. Knopf, NY: USA.
(1999). Blood, Tin,Straw. Random House, NY: USA.
Remen, Rachel N.
(2000) My Grandfather’s Blessings: Stories of Strength, Refuge, and Belonging. Riverhead Books, NY: USA.
(Bed Time Story: The Meeting Place)
(1994). Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal. Riverhead Books, NY: USA.
(Bed Time Story: Seeing the Buddha Seed).
Siff, Jason
(2008). Seeking Nibbana in Sri Lanka. Vajra Publications. Kathmandu: Nepal.
(2014). Thoughts Are Not the Ennemy. Shambala Publications. Boston: USA.
(2011). Unlearning Meditation. Shambala Publications. Boston: USA.
Solnit, Rebecca
(2006). Field Guide to Getting Lost, Canongate Books Ltd, UK.
(2016). Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, Haymarket Books, Canada.
Thich Nhat Hahn, Zen Buddhist monk:
Touching the Earth
Love Letter to the Earth.
Plus many books, poetry and articles online.
Ungunmerr-Bauman, Miriam-Rose (2002). Dadirri: Inner Deep Listening & Quiet Still Awareness. Emmaus Productions.
Wagoner, David. Poem: Lost.
Whyte, David. Poet and philosopher: poetry, articles and books accessible online and via books.
Weissman, Rosemary. Poem: One Word, One Word.
Online Ecological Amnesia. Google the term - there's a lot of information available. www.ageoftransition.org An overview of the anthropocene, recognising cultural change, eg: the symbiocene as essential to our survival.