Beaches Sangha is an insight meditation (vipassana) group based on the northern beaches of Sydney. This practice, originally developed by the Buddha 2500 years ago, has featured prominently in the establishment of serious Buddhist practice among westerners since the 1970s. Today insight meditation is a diverse tradition which offers a modern non-monastic approach to the study and practice of the Buddha's teachings, including meditation.
Sangha simply means ‘community’ and originally referred to the spiritual community that emerged around the Buddha. The Buddha spoke of sangha as one of the three ‘refuges’ that help us on the path to awakening (and thus the release from suffering). These are: The Buddha himself: a human being just like us, not a god or other supernatural being. His human status encourages us: we too can experience awakening, as it is a human potential. The dharma: the Buddha’s teachings that give an understanding of how suffering arises in our lives and how to free ourselves from the optional bits in a very practical way. The sangha: the community of people trying to live their lives in line with the dharma. Visit the Beaches Sangha website |
Beaches Sangha meets weekly
When: Thursday nights from 6.50pm for a 7.10pm start, finishing at around 9.30pm Where: Oxford Falls Peace Park, cnr Wakehurst Parkway and Dreadnought Rd, Oxford Falls What: See the Weekly agenda; Cost: $5 towards costs plus a suggested minimum of $10 “dana” for teachers when we have them. If you'd like to attend but can't afford this please simply give what you can as we don't want cost to be a barrier to participation. Bring: a mat or rug if you will be using a meditation cushion or stool (the floor is wooden floorboards) Parking: there is a vacant lot opposite the Peace Park which is fine to park in as long as it’s not too wet. Otherwise, there is plenty of room along Dreadnought Rd. New people are always welcome at Beaches Sangha. If you’d like to join in and are new to meditation or the Buddha’s teachings, or both, please contact us before you attend so that we can help make sure you get the most out of it. Important Update - Changes from March 30th due to COVID-19 Norther Beaches Sangha will continue to meet once a month via Zoom. Please contact Kristen on [email protected] for more info. |