Southern Highlands Sangha is meeting face-to face again, but we are taking COVID-safe measures of wearing masks, social distancing and the option of bringing your own cup if you prefer.
Usual Meeting Day/Time: Tuesdays (not public holidays or school holidays): 9.30am Cuppa, 10am Meditation, 10.40am Dharma Tape/Talk/Reading and Discussion, 11.30am Close. Cost: Gold coin donation for participants for cuppa and the group's insurance.
First meeting of each month will begin with a short guided meditation, then silent meditation. Other meetings of the month will be silent meditation. There are chairs or carpet for sitting (bring cushions or blanket if needed).
The Dharma tape/talk/reading and discussion will be facilitated by someone with experience in insight meditation, such as Rosalind or Tina. For the Dharma talk each term we try to focus on different aspects of the Dharma, e.g. 8-fold path, 5 precepts, 4 divine abodes. A cuppa and biscuit, etc, will be available before the meditation. This is a great time to connect with like minded people.
Contact: Rosalind: Ph: 4862 3266 or Tina: Ph: 4883 6392 if you are interested in attending